idk if your going for standard or not but sence you only have a couple colored spells and all of the myr's that produce mana, why not use the urza's set for your lands? urza's tower urza's mine and urza's powerplant, I would consider adding myr battlesphere as another win condition, also maybe a platinum emporium or platinum angel
also I see angels but where are the demons, I woudl also recommend diabolic tutor
many of the angels alone can be a win condition cut 5 of them, theirs no need to reduce your chances of getting discard/graveyard fetch cards.
and I just made top decks decks, this is my 2nd to make the top deck list so thanks guys:)
added journey to no ware disenchant silence the last lightning bolt of my 4 and quest for the pure flame to sideboard
i guess the next step is working on a side board I'm thinking adding journey to nowhere and some other control based cards any suggestions?
Yeah and lucky for me none of my friends play any real control heavy decks, so I'm gunna proxy this up this weekend and beat on my gf with it and see how it plays:P
actually doing some sample draws generally in my opening hand I would have either a lightning bolt or a wall of omen and by turn 4-5 have stuffy ready to go
with the way it looks now I'm just worried aggro decks are gunna stomp me before I can get blockers up, any suggestions?
kool idea, Its nice when couples can share hobbies, my girlfriend and I play magic together aswell
added slagstorm/pyroclasm and day of judgment. I think 20 lands is proficient considering my largest mana cost is 5, and I have seething song to speed up this process
the idea of invasion plans was make all creatures block stuffy doll, gideon makes all creatures attack him. I like the day of judgement idea, and agree with the furnace of rath, I'll be making some modifications thank you duckboy
dropped the last 2 after shocks for 2 shivan meteors
dropped aether membrane 2 aftershocks 2 eye of ugin 1 seething song and 1 story circle to add 4 guilty conscience and 4 enlightened tutor
thank you! thats exactly what Ive been looking for, I settled with eye of ugen, and guilty conscience looks great too thank you:)
I appreciate your help Dobledanger, and would appreciate anyone elses suggestions I want to actually build this deck
dropped game of chaos and punishing fire to add 4 after shock 2 aether membrane and 1 seething song
damn your right, I guess their was a reason I havn't seen game of chaos used more with Pariah Ill have to swap it for somthing else
I would suggest brass squire
61-80 of 157 items