
9 Decks, 5 Comments, 1 Reputation

i think it sucks balls...

Posted 19 August 2011 at 19:15 as a comment on Better than Sex: Tits and Pastries.


LOLZ thanks =D.

Posted 18 August 2011 at 14:20 as a comment on Putred Smell


this is cool and all. but i honestly think you should make it a red/black/green deck. i mean you def need the brood birthings, spawning breaths and nest invaders. but there isnt anythig like a doom blade to get rid of the opponents creatures, i mean sure you have annihilater, but thts only one turn after you atualy get a eldrazi out, then the opponent can even choose wat he sacrifices, which will prolly be mana. not to mention it takes almost forever to get emrakul out, which is why when you have all those dreamstone hedrons out you would want him like the next turn. do having black in there for diabolic tutors and some doom blades would be useful. not to mention there are a lot of good black cards tht give you a shit load of eldrazzis spawns.
i have actually gotten emrakul out in six-seven turns. which mean it would be a nine turn game. i have a eldrazzi deck you should take a look at if ya want tht is

Posted 08 August 2011 at 19:19 as a comment on Eldrazi Red/Green


it actualy works out very well. but again as long as you have at least 1 palladium myr and 2 myr galvanizers thts basically 2 mana for every 1 land. there are so many combos to this deck tht its not even funny. in fact i find more and more everyday. but yea the land is actually perfect for what i want. but you might not have noticed the 8 artifact lands tht give me one of any kind of mana and 1 white mana

Posted 07 August 2011 at 20:35 as a comment on Ancient Runes


i figured tht if i got out even one rage extractor it would be basically game in a couple turns. but yea gut shot is too little of a cost..i mean assuming i had all four rage extractors out, tht would be wat? a total of maybe five damage. but yea it seemed kinda lame to actually put tht in there.

Posted 07 August 2011 at 00:40 in reply to #182522 on Raging demise
