haha physics major but yea and honestly yea... like ive used this deck the past two days and really play tested it and i have never been like damn why did i draw this everything always helps in any situation surprisingly this deck is extremely versitle and only lost a few times. its also mad fun to play and play against just because of how goofy it is.
what the hell... i pulled such bull crap at the prerelease. ran UW with some eldrazi stuff. conscription was the bomb but i feel like today the majority of winners ran red. whatev. good deck though bro.
this combo is getting pretty popular. its really sick. training grounds is the fking bomb. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=54602 check out my deck!
pariah on stuffy doll... haha nice. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=54602 check out my decks, keep up the goood stuff.
hopefully i can get out ixidor quickly maybe it could use some mana excell to expedite the process?
thats a nice win combo. clever.
nice combo bro. infinite loops are badass. i need to find one....
oh my god do you even know how to play magic?!?!?!?! what a feegot he really doesnt have 4 of each card waht a total nub. 0there is no sp00nz. -therat
well i through the kudzos in for good measure, go with the plant theme.
i have pariah in there for that reason, is that different then pariahs shield?
yo like your deck is really great and and like ima let you finish, but i have the best demon deck OF ALL TIME! no for real. check it. ---> http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=53547
and why is it called hellix fossil... isnt that the thing you can get in mount moon if you beat team rocket?
aka lava axe
maybe if it had some lava axes bro
bee tee dub, so this is the deck you were talking about, how much more do you need for it?
how the hell did you find me already. ass.
thanks. i dunno ive been making this deck forever... it started out as a rat deck but then i found morality shift and just really loved what it could do. its a cool deck, i dont even have to attack with the creatures that come into play, the laquatus champions do 12 instantly the hellhole rats will usually thin them out a bit then they wont have a hand and the quest card will finish em off. ive pulled it off this way many times, its real cool.