thanks for the input i think emeria, the sky ruin is ok as this is 67% white and in a long game they can swing it in my favor also if i get one in my opening hand i can put it down with no trouble as i have no turn one drops tho i can see the down side if u got one early and it slowed u down a turn, Mass calcify is a nice card but not t2 legal so cant use it also this deck works more a long the lines of taping down till u get mana for big drops then clearing the board.
Hi I like the deck and think u would be the last to take any damage as u are helping every one out but dont think u have any real way to win in here I would add avenger of zendikar or some of the legendary eldrazy also add clone and right of replication as u can copy what your oppolent plays for free also add more wild harvest and piracy they will help u find and play your finisher fast
Yer There is a risk of droping a warcaller with out getting a chance to kick it but if u put off playing the wave till u have a warcaller in hand the effect can be nice. I will play test it and let u know :)
Hey man what about adding 2 geniuse wave and 2 elixer of immortality take out 2 leyline's and 2 elf's for them will give u a nice finisher as early as turn 5 or 6 :)
I like it looks very strong I have made a type 2 deck just like this u should take a look at my merfolk mentors deck also would be cool to play all the land cards and control all the land they play :)
im thinking of swaping in plage stinger over necropede and also want to know if any one has any good pump spells in mind :)
love the idear of this deck maby add some artifacts that proliferate
a very good idear. think the damage win condition is better for this deck as Venser, the Sojourner -1 ability is perfect for it but would love to see what is better againts each other :)
i think some redirects and negates in the side bord is a good idea and as for the point of Nim Deathmantle it lets me attack with a creture let it get blocked and killed then pay 4 mana mid to late game to bring it back giving them a had time to clear the fild and Thrones of Geth is nice in this deck because of the combo of Necropede, Thrones of Geth and Mimic Vat u sack necropede give out -1 counter to there best creature then proliferate with thrones then bring him back with vat :)
not sure about the mana curve but as cards go all i can say is NICE wish they had some cool cards like this in type 2 at the moment gess i will make do with my -1-1-1-1=dead deck for now :)
yer mimic vat is a good choise made this late and put the wrong amount of land in lol should be 20 lands plus the 4 Everflowing Chalice think i will keep the quag sickness over instill infection as they cost the same and quag could get up to 6 -1/-1 counters on a creature thanks for the input and spoting my land fail :)
i would drop Devastating Summons for Strata Scythe and then use the space in the side board for summoning trap and Gaea's Revenge :)
i would drop 3x Horizon Spellbomb for 3x overgrown battelment
yer gessed as much just though i would ask packleader would give u some card draw mid and late game but i gess u dont want it to last that long
and + 2x Lightmine Field - 2x Regress
after the input i have been given i have made a small change + 4x Wall of Omens + 4x Preordain + 3x Celestial Colonnade - 2x Arrest - 1x Cancel - 1x Deprive - 2x Redirect - 2x Negate - 1x Halimar Depths - 1x Island - 1x Plains
cheers man cant run oblivion ring as its not type2 legal but the other two suggestions are nice might run halimer depths and Celestial Colonnades as halimer depths works well with deprive maby 2 or 3 of each. Into the roil is better than regress when kicked but i was gunna use regress in return land to a players hand if i can see he is not getting the mana he needs. thanks for the good input :)
Thanks and yer u have named all the idear's i was going for in this deck :D
i know this is nothing new just wanted to see what i could put together for FNM i would also run wall of omens and sea gate oracle if i was runing venser as they are perfect for his +2 ability but dunno if he is worth it in a deck where u have no real creatures to make unblockable. a hint of black is tempting but 3 colors is gunna hurt the deck more than help it i think. Thanks for your input anyway :)
i would run somethink like this 2x Contagion Clasp 2x Contagion Engine 4x Thrummingbird 2x Inexorable Tide 4x Time of Heroes 4x Venerated Teacher 4x Hada Spy Patrol 4x Student of Warfare 2x Enclave Cryptologist 4x Champion's Drake 4x Caravan Escort 4x Everflowing Chalice and 20 land or duel land of your chose
41-60 of 85 items