4 of is too expensive for casting cost...
So the lands are fine, right? Thank goodness... I don't play competitively though, just casually with friends. Thanks for the suggestions though.
I thought of Archive trap and it would work wonders if i took out Nemesis of reason, but i Need a way to jump start it so i could play it cheaper. I don't want to use Ghost quarters though because of the way my deck is made for.
You might as well add in Evolving Wilds to help with the Hedron Crab ability. Or you can use Ghost Quarter on yourself for the Hedron Crab or on your opponent to jump start Archive Trap.
I'll stick with Memory Sluice for now, but when I have time to get a set of Tome Scours :D I have checked out Induce Paranoia, as much as I like it, I'm trying to use Purkle's advise of having cheaper spells to do what I need to do. For the moment, Nemesis of Reason and Circu, Dimir Lobotomist are the only 2 cards that cost over 3. It is a little pricey so instead I'll be using Memory Lapse for the hard counter and is much cheaper, but it does not mill. =( If I build another deck for multi player milling, Induce Paranoia would surely be one of those cards along with Keening Stone, Traumatize, Haunting Echoes, and a few Archive Traps.
Would a Grixis or Esper Panorama do better than a Terramorphic Expanse or Evolving Wilds for my deck?
If I put in some fetch lands, should I take out the Jwar Isle Refuge and/or the Dimir Aqueducts? or should I start going into my basic lands? I was thinking of Fog Bank but I'm on a limited budget right now, that's why I was thinking of Guard Gomazoa, because they are so cheap right now. I already own my set of Glimpse the Unthinkables (so costly) and Mind Funerals. I'm still deciding between Tome Scour or Memory Sluice because while one mills 5 cards and the other 4, Memory Sluice can be used to mill for black mana also, and if I happen to have creatures out, I could conspire for up to 8. That would require me to have creatures though, which might be a problem since I've been given a few suggestions to have fewer creatures. I guess I'll keep a few Perplexes in my deck, it sounds almost like a win/win card, because worse comes to worse I can always just transmute for the mind funeral. Thanks for your two cents scottymandingo :D
I never knew that card existed! and i really like it. I would use it but I'm scared of not being able to use it properly, and the drawbacks scare me also. Maybe I'm just not used to these types of cards. I used my brother's deck once, and I saw a Gifts Ungiven, I used it and didn't know what to take out and force my opponent to basically give me the cards i wanted. It's a little hard. Haha. But I will definitely look into this card (it's financially cheap too). Thank you.
I haven't taken out the Keening Stones yet but as I work on perfecting this deck, I'm sure this card will not be in it. If I was to use Keening Stone, it would surely be in a Multiplayer deck full of Traumatizes and cards of such.
Thank you very much for your input! It was helpful. I added the Snaps and the Brainstorms (which i liked better than ponder). But for draw mechanics, would Serum Visions or Counsel of the Soratami work? For cards that mill under 1 or 2 cost I've only seen a few that were worthy other than the Glimpse the Unthinkable. I was thinking of Tome Scour, Memory Sluice, Vision Charm, and Brain Freeze. Out of these 4, I only own Memory Sluice though. I have yet to take out the Dimir Infiltrator and the Guard Gomazoa because I am afraid of not being able to block attacks from creatures that actually do get through. I like the Dimir Infiltrator because i can use him to get the Glimpse the Unthinkable when needed. The Guard Gomazoa though, would replacing that with a Wall of Tears be any better for my cause? I have also not added in extra counter spells yet. Memory Lapse is a for sure, but instead of Mana Leak, could I be playing a Rune Snag, Miscalculation, or Remand instead? or for added milling, adding in Broken Ambitions? What are your thoughts on those counters. I'm also assuming that I should keep in the Perplex even though it may not be countering anything. It guess with more creatures I can't mill my opponent fast enough, because I want to Mill them out in less than 6-7 turns. Unless that's too slow for a mill deck because when compared to a few burn decks, they can win on turn 4-5.
I'm putting in the Jwar Isle Refuge over the Rootwater Depths, but do you think the Dimir Aqueducts are worth it? If i have one out and one in my hand, I could mill for 3 every turn, and when i draw a land, I'll just play the other land down. I would use those fetch lands but I'm just not too sure yet though but I'll look into that. Dopplegangers are out... Thank goodness I have 2 Circu, Dimir Lobotomist already... Do the doom blades and echoing truth work? or should I add some counter spells like muddle the mixture or remand? My brother told me something that was interesting... he said the problem with this deck is that I use up cards too quick sometimes and the cards that kill me are the cards that I do not mill, such as the cards in their hand in the beginning of the game. So that's where i thought of the Consult the Necrosages... but now I'm thinking of cards like Recoil... And should I keep the twincast and the keening stone?