Thanks. The idea came to me while looking at random Izzet standard cards. The pillar of flame is there as a place holder for now. And i like the idea for Shivian Coasts. The tap factor did bother me a bit. Thanks for the suggestions.
Looks very good. But replace Tibal with something. And put more copies of your more efficient cards to increase efficiency. Otherwise, it looks good.
Rakdos cacklers are fun as are stromkirk nobles if you can find some.
Try some counter spells instead of Chant of the Skifsang and Curiosity. They will use Talrand more efficently than. And you probably want to take this in the direction of Control-Aggro, so look in that direction more.
Thank you for the comment spamspope. I appreciate the advice. I will probably take out my white and black until I am able to procure the nessecary dual-lands. The Hydras may stay on account that they can come out turn 3. As will the Arbor Elves, at least until I find something better.
A well rounded deck overall. Excellent work.
Are you planning to make this a Standard playable deck, or some other format playable?
You describe your deck as being fast and creature based. That seems to be at odds with your Chandra and Increasing Vengeance spell copying. You should center your deck on either creatures or spells.
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