
9 Decks, 28 Comments, 1 Reputation

Well I guess the core will net you life as well, but give or take. The "Empire" set is a cute idea but I think there are better things.

Posted 11 July 2012 at 15:09 as a comment on Tezzeret Control


I'd add some perilous myrs so you can sac them for damage. And maybe Altar's reap for card advantage. Other than the planeswalkers though and BSZ there should be something you could use the proliferate for, if possible.

Posted 11 July 2012 at 15:07 as a comment on Tezzeret Control


Acidic Slime?

Posted 23 May 2012 at 06:57 as a comment on Green Standard


Blood Artist, Child of Night, Markov Patrician, Sangromancer, or Vampire Outcasts.

Posted 19 May 2012 at 16:07 in reply to #256372 on Mono-Black Vampires


Even still there are much better options rather than chosen of markov. I mean it turns into a vanilla 4/4; in standard creatures that actually do something (static, triggered, or activated) are nice.

Posted 17 May 2012 at 09:19 in reply to #256372 on Mono-Black Vampires


First, Trained Armodon, Runeclaw Bear, and Spined Wurm can definitely be taken out for better creatures. Trained Armodon can be replaced with Wolfir Avenger, Dungrove Elder, or even Borderland Ranger. For the same cost Runeclaw Bear can be switched for Amubsh Viper. I hope you get the idea here; replace bad creatures for better ones (abilities/stronger/cheaper). The other set of creatures that I think should be swapped are Ulvenwald Mystics and Lumberknot. Other than that add a couple more lands.

Posted 17 May 2012 at 09:16 as a comment on Morbid Steamroller


Apparently the full-art zendikar lands can sell for a decent amount. If I did any other set of swamps the value wouldn't be as high.

Posted 17 May 2012 at 09:06 in reply to #256403 on Evil Is Eternal -Sengir Vampire


How are you going to flip Chosen of Markov? Since we're not playing standard, here's mine.

Posted 16 May 2012 at 11:31 as a comment on Mono-Black Vampires


Volt Charge?

Posted 16 May 2012 at 11:08 as a comment on Vampires (Standard)


I'd rather see dungeon geists for the frost titans. Other than that I like the idea.

Posted 15 May 2012 at 07:41 as a comment on Bouncy House


Does the deck have to be rainbow? And have you ever played a game called Mytheria. It is a card game similar to magic. The rules are similar to magic in that lands are not part of your deck and you can either draw a card or add one mana of any color to your mana pool per turn i.e. taking one land card from the land zone to your field. I'll get back to you with a deck once you answer my question though. Here's where you can play it and no I am not a representative for the game.

Posted 15 May 2012 at 07:29 as a comment on New Format: Rainbow


Swap Moonmists for Prey Upon.

Posted 15 May 2012 at 07:19 as a comment on Freinds with benefits


Why do you have Windswept Heath and Verdant Catacombs? If there was anything with landfall I'd understand, but there isn't. Nonetheless it's mono-green so losing life for just forests? You have the ramp with other cards like rampant growth so why the Windswept Heath and Verdant Catacombs?

Posted 15 May 2012 at 07:14 as a comment on Arachnophobia!


I"d rather have 4 defiant elves rather than Norwood Rangers just for the trample. I understand that at the point of tokens you'll still get a lot of damage through but in the off-chance of a mirror match the trample will pay off.

Posted 13 May 2012 at 05:01 as a comment on Wirewood


Add in some volt charges for the proliferate on Noble, Stormblood, and the Shrine. And I agree with Spawn take out furnace scamps for something else if not Fireslingers maybe Ashmouth Hounds? Also add Chandra, The Firebrand to get more utility out of the phoenix.

Posted 13 May 2012 at 04:57 as a comment on Mono-Red


Thanks for looking at both my decks. Again sadly I only have one spellskite. Honestly the reason I have Tamiyo is for some control-defense considering most of my creatures will be tapped/atking.

1x Surgical Extraction
2x Mana leaks (maybe one or both in the main?)
1-2X Dissapate
1x Gutshot
1-2x Gitaxian Probe

I don't know what else in the side though.

Posted 07 May 2012 at 02:50 in reply to #253109 on DelverBlade


Dude that is sick Warstorm+ Flayer of the Hatebound+Geralf's Messenger+ Demonlord of Ashmouth

Posted 07 May 2012 at 02:44 as a comment on Netherworld's Gate (standard)


Well I can pod Glissa or GSZ her. Sadly I only have one Birds :(

Posted 07 May 2012 at 02:42 as a comment on Wolf Pod


How about adding Mondronen Shaman for maybe one Daybreak? Over than that, nice deck. Rabies FTW.

Posted 05 May 2012 at 13:07 as a comment on Beware the Wolfpack


Sorry didn't see elvish guidance before. Nice deck otherwise. Another elf I personally like is Elvish Pioneer.

Posted 05 May 2012 at 12:53 as a comment on Elf EDH


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