
5 Decks, 23 Comments, 2 Reputation

You're on to a good start, man. For additional discard in the form of a creature try slavering nulls, it's a common from the new scars set. Psychic Miasma is also a common from the new scars set and it is a two casting cost discard spell with possible repetitive use. Guul Draz Spectre, Quest for the Nihil Stone, and Bloodchief Ascension are all awesome in this deck, but alas, they are all rares. If you have the time, check out my deck called Reign of Sauron...if he's a she. It's a tournament version (standard legal) of the deck you're working with.

Posted 03 November 2010 at 13:12 as a comment on Caress/Megrim (Comment)


Thanks for the thoughts and the praise, they are very much appreciated.

Posted 03 November 2010 at 12:56 in reply to #96963 on Reign of Sauron...if he's a she.


memoricide, or haunting echoes....goodbye.

Posted 15 October 2010 at 15:53 as a comment on Relentless Rats Abuse (Standard)


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