
1 Deck, 1 Comment, 0 Reputation

that a good deck to me, and il tell you to change a few thing
-3 Ethercast Knight ( they only purpose is exalt another creature and you want to have good creature that give exalted)
-2 Guardian of akrasa you alredy have Good defense with the Wall of denial.
-2 Offering to asha, thta a good card of course, but you need more aggro,
-2 zigurrat i t will be a pain anytime wyou wish to cast a non-creature spell,

+4 Rhox war monk That the kind of creature you want to resolve. 3/4 lifelinker is definitely a huge advantage Imagine with Exalted now!!!
+1 Jhessian Infiltrator you want to have a exalted creature to be unblocked
+4 Shorecrasher mimic They will add trample to your deck. and a 5/3 Trampler is something very power with exalted and finiest hour.

You can buy these card in you local store for pretty cheap, keep it up and good luck playtesting

Posted 09 June 2009 at 22:25 as a comment on Exalted Weenie
