please comment on my deck : ( bump
will remove Golem Foundry, Veldaken Infuser for another win condition
Removed archmage ascenscion and culling dais
Checked all the cards: Tome scour - doesn't fit well Memory Sluice - Taken note, very good card Trying to stick to blue first but when I'm satisfied with this deck I will move on to black
Trying to maintain a constant 60 cards I believe that having more fetch lands would make my deck less usefull because of the small number of islands i already have. At the begining of my draw If i don't have basic lands I might not be usefull. for the bounce I would be dependent on the elixer. Notice the combo with Walking Atlas and Dimir Aquadect. I can get my card and put it back again every turn not losing any mana. Considered using jace's erasure. I'm maintaining a 60 card, I dont have a draw a card, and usefull for people who usespells a lot so I'm stuck with memory erosion.