Color Switch

by Leoric2 on 15 March 2012

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (3 cards)

Enchantments (1)

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Deck Description

One way to abuse swirling mists/slight of mind:
Teysa gives infinite creature removal once you can get it going, sac 3 of color X, you get 3 new creatures of the same color back to sac again and again.

Absolute law gives all creatures protection from your choice of color to some extent.

Dire Undercurrents to give yourself draw and discard your opponents.

Circle of protection is easiest to use to keep beaters from hitting you, even if they are not white you can make them white.

Honestly doesn't seem quite good enough. I could really use some other suggestions for how to abuse swirling mists. This is for multi-player where I have a little bit longer to build up, but have to deal with keeping a low threat profile.

Deck Tags

  • Experimental

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 2,043 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Color Switch

painter's servant would be great for consistency and as for taking advantage of color swap i see people use red elemental blast in other decks like this idk if there's something better that's in your color but teysa is cool can't say iv'e seen that before

Posted 06 October 2017 at 23:27
