OK guys. I have revamped the deck some more. I took the suggestion of the kiln fiends. Plus I added some land fetching for thinning purposes along with otherwise. Please add comments or suggestions. Thanks
great job on the deck man. It looks great. I can see why you use dash hopes. It just adds to the mind games. I do the same thing with Blazing Salvo. It makes the opponent think about just how much a card means to him/her. Then after they take the 5 dmg to save their creature, I hit it with a lightning bolt. lol
oops, double post.
oh and yes I love the spreading seas early game. I have slowed down my buddies deck serveral times because he needed 2 swamps and I kept turning his secound swamp into an island. lol
Yea man I like the deck. Lightning is fire in its purist form. I go straight lightning is pretty cool. You do exclude some cards that would help this deck as stated above, but for what it is, its a beast. May a suggest Lightning elemental? It might be a little too costly for this deck though.
I definately see your point. The purpose od the narc's was to stop flying creatures. A lot of my buddies play flaying creatures, typically angels and demons. I know because of the high cost they are few and far between. The thing is a can counter them I know. But I hit situations where I would have to tap all my mana to summon and wouldn't have to mana for the counters. So therefore I put in the narc for a next turn show stopper. It has helped me in quite a few games. I do confess that I have had the narcs in there before I added the lullmage mentor, so they may be less needed now. But they purpose as of right now is just a fail-safe incase something gets by my counters.
Thanks, I'll take a look.
I must admit that this is my first ever look at a first turn win deck. I was actually under the impression that you cannot win until like turn 3 or 4. Not that it was impossible to anything, but simpley because it wasn't allowed. Maybe it was an old rule from way back in the day, because I can't say that I have ever seen it in the rulebook. But anyways. I like the idea of this deck. I have to agree with SureWhyNot and others who say that its boring though. But I can't say that if I was in a tournament that I wouldn't use a deck like this. Why give the opponent a chance? Just shut them down and move on to the next round. I typically only play for fun so if me or a friend of mine used this deck, there would really be no point in playing. But good job making the deck work with 1 land.
lol left the favorite card blank. my favorite card is: khalni hydra. I was my first mythic rare and is what turned me on to stompy!!
Congrats man. I love looking at your stompy decks. When I first started playing that is what I invisioned green to be. It wasn't until I looked at your decks that I was able to reform my deck into that idea. So thanks man. My favorite card is: My questions are: 1: how old are you now? 2: what other trading cards games do you play? My favorite decks are your stompy decks ftw!!!
I really like the ponder. It gives you a lot of control with your draw power. I have djinn of wishes too and I was wanting to see him put to good use. This gives me some great ideas. thanks and good work.
Thanks. Will do.
I like it. That demon is nastey in late game, but at turn 3 it just sends instant panic into your opponent. great job man. If you get a chance take a look at my decks. I would love some feedback.
I love this deck idea. I was considering a blue/red deck that focused on lots of creatures to tap for damage, but this looks way better than what I was going for. Great job. If you get a chance check out my decks. I would love some feedback.
He taps his creatures for mana that he can use for whatever, then using the untap abilities of his creautres to either make the opponent remove cards from his deck or buff up his creatures. He can do this infinately for 1 big hit or making the opponent's deck go bye-bye. If anyone gets a chance check out my decks. I would love some feedback.
I have some of those. I guess I never really thought about them. I guess its because when I was looking for creatures that had haste. I didn't want to wait around a turn waiting for summoning sickness. I guess he could get really mean really quick though. I'll try him out. thanks
Really enjoy this deck concept. I could just see the faces of your opponent as you just go tapping and untapping away and they realize they won't be living the see their next turn :D great job man
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