Gotcha. I'm not really a standard guy. hah
Are you familiar with Krovikan Mist? I ultimately replaced my Dragons with it in my illusion build.
Thank you! I had totally forgotten about Vapor Snag. Next time I go shopping, I will probably do that! I also hadn't considered the point you made about the cancels. I'll have to retool based on that. I had actually taken out the Dragons in favor of the Mist recently to keep cost low, but I'll be keeping that in mind. As far as the Summoner's Banes, I was really torn about it. I don't like spending so much on a counter, but it helped the Mist enough for me to keep them. So far they've been playing alright. I will consider those Images! Such a good card! Thanks for the input, you've given me a lot to think about here.
Thank you very much! Good advice for sure. I'll probably take it!
I think this deck is really fun and neat. Banding has some pretty wild rules though, I'll include a link. But yeah, neato bro.