
39 Decks, 89 Comments, 6 Reputation

Seriously, I deleted this and it's already back. This spam doesn't help anyone. Go away.

Posted 09 July 2013 at 19:58 in reply to #375794 on [Standard] Voltron


Yeah, called a judge. You're wrong. It does not require any specific creature type at all. Just two untapped creatures. Good thing because I love that card and it does some serious work.

It's rotating really soon anyway so I'm going to have to drop that combo soon anyway.

Posted 05 July 2013 at 17:46 in reply to #374015 on [Standard] Revision


No where anywhere says you must tap two demons. It just says two creatures, the card says "two untapped creatures you control" No where does it specify at all. I'm honestly about to call a judge friend of mine and make sure you're crazy.

Posted 05 July 2013 at 17:42 in reply to #374015 on [Standard] Revision


Seriously, how many times to I need to read Skirsdag to confirm that it does not need to be activated with demons. That card would be complete garbage if it was only activated by demons.


Posted 05 July 2013 at 13:29 in reply to #374015 on [Standard] Revision


Defiantly! I love that card, it does serious work.

Posted 04 July 2013 at 20:02 in reply to #373970 on Human Weenies


Honestly this deck has evolved so much over its lifetime and it gets really out of control if you don't realize what my plans are. It can work as many types of deck all at once. It is the philosophy of the Rakdos clan. I sat down with every red and black card and started working on a deck. This is the most competitive and fun deck I came up with.

I really just enjoy how it plays and how it actually contends with some of the typical cookie cutter top 8 decks I see all the time at my local meta.

Skisdag can tap any creature for it's token creation so a lot of the time I end up creating demons with Cacklers or Assassins. I've even used Sire to create a token.

They undying mechanic came in when I realized I needed more option to be able to nuke my own creatures to activate morbid and really throw the opponent off.

Posted 04 July 2013 at 19:59 in reply to #374015 on [Standard] Revision


Ah, I've been playing for years just not in standard. I used to play a lot of Modern and Legacy until I started to take it a little more seriously. Now I really enjoy the competition that standard provides instead of the randomness that is modern.

Posted 03 July 2013 at 16:33 in reply to #373702 on [Standard] Revision


Yeah the large amount of players makes me want to have more consistency. That's why I'm buying cards for my Bant Hexproof so I can start placing regularly and going so far out of my way to perfect my Rakdos deck.

I just love this Rakdos decks play style too much and the cards weren't too painful to pick up so I've been playing it for the last month or so.

Posted 03 July 2013 at 16:29 in reply to #373702 on [Standard] Revision


Between 50-70. It's actually pretty packed lately.

Posted 03 July 2013 at 16:21 in reply to #373702 on [Standard] Revision


I really like Bant Hexproof but seriously those prices on Geist / Voice are killing me right now. It's the only thing holding me back from finishing it. So Selesnya could be playable till I get the rest for my Bant.

But I'm totally giving this Rakdos a shot this week. It's shaping up to be pretty nasty.

Posted 03 July 2013 at 16:18 in reply to #373702 on [Standard] Revision


Hey go look at my other deck that I've been working on and see what ideas you have. It was a challenge and now I kinda want to play it.


Posted 03 July 2013 at 16:11 in reply to #373702 on [Standard] Revision


Lol yeah, I've already seen your crazy Boros.

Posted 03 July 2013 at 16:05 in reply to #373702 on [Standard] Revision


Lol wish cockatrice wasn't dead. I'm at work otherwise I'd play a text game on skype or somethin.

Posted 03 July 2013 at 16:00 in reply to #373702 on [Standard] Revision


Thanks! Very solid suggestions. That should speed things up a bit.

Posted 03 July 2013 at 15:52 in reply to #373702 on [Standard] Revision


There, look good?

Posted 03 July 2013 at 15:44 in reply to #373702 on [Standard] Revision


Really think so man? I had high hopes for her.

Maybe if she's so bad I'll just run two Madcap Skills instead.

Posted 03 July 2013 at 15:40 in reply to #373702 on [Standard] Revision


You should tag this "standard".

Take a look at Fencing Ace over Elite Inquisitor. You could also greatly benefit from Frontline Medic, Sublime Archangel, and Orzhov Charm. Other possibilities could be splashing in more black in order to use cards like Thrill Kill Assassin, Rakdos Cackler, and the many removals associated.

Also drop Beckon Apparition all together. There are better options and cards like that should be sideboarded at best.

Posted 03 July 2013 at 14:55 as a comment on Human Weenies


Agreed, I'd replace them with something like Boros Reckoner or Snapcaster Mage.

Posted 02 July 2013 at 19:18 in reply to #373329 on First FNM deck. Wish me luck.


After much though and play testing I'm going to build an experimental hexproof deck utilizing alpha authority. Check my page in a while to see what I came up with.

Posted 02 July 2013 at 13:56 in reply to #369016 on [Standard] Bant Hexproof


You guys have a good point I was just trying to think outside the box.

Posted 01 July 2013 at 15:43 in reply to #372748 on CALLING ALL STANDARD EXPERTS!!


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