this is standard dawg
I like your ideas but this might be a deck that i would actually make, and frankly gideon isn't in my budget, that's also why i'm not doing stoneforges and swords like the last guy suggested. I might take out a golem though and try to fit in the sunblast angel, that's a good idea.
there aren't any other good kraken/octopi/leviathans/serpents and i would put in more control like mana leak but i don't want to pop a mana leak with my ula's quest.
thanks for the suggestion. That's a fun combo
i'm putting together this deck today, but with my old version of this deck(which u can see on my profile) jace 1.0 worked really well.
put in mikokoro. It's a great land to have.
Yeah, my plan was if this idea didn't work out i would go to plan B which is a tainted strike/kiln fiend deck.
he said he wanted to keep it type 2. At least that's what i'm assuming by "FNM legal" so that kinda ruins all those ideas besides the shield of the oversoul.
if you're gonna play out of type 2 why don't you just play real counterspells instead of cancel and negate?
if you are going to be playing with ixidor and skirk alarmist you shoudl realize that you know longer have to play morphed creatures that are in your colors. I would put in a krosan collosus or a primal whisperer could be really really nice.
why aren't you running felidar's in this deck? With this build it's gonna be hard to actually kill the person by attacking them because all you really have are the pridemates which are easily chump blockable.
take out the silences. If you have to cast this guy twice for some reason then ur getting hit for 12 life and then you only have 1 creature in play and 8 life they might just be able to swing past you if they are playing enough creatures, i would put in maybe a platinum angel if you have it or maybe an ajani's mantra or two just to keep you alive.
i really like the idea of 10/10 squirrel tokens. if only they had trample, you might want to think of some way to give them trample, vorrac battlehorns or brawn or just exchance the giant growths for a pump-up that gives trample.
need fireballs.
you don't need to run 4 persecutors. I agree with slaytanicds put in bloodthrone vampires take out a couple of the persecutors and take out the hymn to taurachs they don't really serve a purpose. add in maybe a couple other small black creatures that are easy to sacrifice like maggot carriers.
if i were to use ur strategy i would just run dark rituals instead of the lake of the dead. I think i am gonna stick with the red because of the added quickness and land destruction with akki blizzard herder+crack the earth and the creatures to actually do the killing. Also, for economical purposed i'm gonna use rain of tears instead of sinkholes.
don't see where you're going with that. assuming you mean worms of the earth , That is a minimum 2nd turn combo provided everything goes right which would still leave them time to destroy the worms and after that you would only have 1 land anyway.