That's why Reanimator plays Show and Tell on sideboard. Just because those opponents sideboard-cards hate this deck so much (Surgical Extraction, Tormod's Crypt, Relic of the Progenitus etc). I dont have Reanimator (yet) but my some of my friends play it so I know how it works :) Ps. Good deck!
Yes, you are right there are many decks that win in turn 1-3, BUT deck like this use discard to eliminate combo, so it's not problem to this deck :)
I think that Inquisition of Kozilek or Thoughtseize are better with Cabal Therapy than Hymn to Tourach. Hym is good card too.
Yes, it works. First I play Recurring Nightmare and then Veteran Explorer, Grave Titan, Hinterland Hermit or something else and KA-BOOM! Table is full of Zombies, Squirrels or lands xD