Nice deck looks like it runs fine. But I have question about lingering souls. I see most esper decks use it but I can't understand it's importance in the standard meta game. If its only for chump blockers why not use midnight haunting instead to give your opponent less time to react? Please explain why the card is being used. I feel lost and confused about it.
Oh ok thanks. Didn't think of that
You say thin out my counters and removal yet you suggest more counters and removal? please explain I'm confused
I like queen but they were before my time
Lol wow... Just.... Wow
That would be sickly satisfying lol
Yeah that's what I was thinking. I'd probably never last long enough to see the overload be effective.
Aetherize is the best out of the in my opinion. I'll add them thanks for your help :)
I noticed this as well and corrected it last night. Up to 20 creatures with nice 1 drop that's good with a couple of enchantments on it. Thanks for the advice :)
True but I don't have the essentials for bant. Especially the lands. This seems interesting to me so I'm working with what I got
Looks good not sure about ajani though, seems out of place. I didn't even know dutiful thrull existed I'll have to keep him in mind. Please update me on how you do in testing. Here's my latest version of the deck you commented on please take a look
Both of those im are things I've considered. The problem with the turn one play is the amount of shock lands in the deck. That 2 life can be costly turn 1 if you don't know what you're up against. However it may sound blasphemous but I'm considering trying trained carceral as my one drop for the life link. It sounds weird but that card was a pest to me in prerelease once. Either that or tormented soul. As far as sin collector I run into the problem of where to fit him in. Maybe the detention spheres could get replaced for them. And before I forget thanks for taking a look
You don't think I need the extra creatures?
What would you say about dropping tithe drinker for daggerdrone imp for the evasion?
How does this setup look?
Hmmm I'll give it a try but azorius charm had been good to me in the past.
Ok I'll try that. Thanks. There anything else you see that might help?
I was using fencing ace but someone suggested tithe drinker so I was giving him a try. Would it be worth replacing detention sphere with fencing ace to try to increase my creature count?
Yeah theyre good but where would I put them?
I'll test a one drop green and see. However I don't have any expirement one so ill use dryad militant instead for testing.
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