Ghostway will help against boardwipes and will trigger etb effects, but has a downside of wiping all of your tokens. Norn's Annex might be good in your sideboard against non-white decks.
You are talking about when Mizzium Skin is on the stack and not when it is resolved, correct? Because otherwise it actually DOES prevent them from using spells and abilities on your illusions. Barring Glaring Spotlight of course.Also, I just thought of another good card. Gigadrowse might help with Dismiss into Dream. Turns into X, "destroy X creatures"
Sorry, Double-post
Jace's Phantasm, Phantom Warrior, Meloku the Clouded Mirror, and Hover Barrier might be some good creatures to look into. Mizzium Skin might help protect illusions, I'm still looking into this one. You also need a few more lands.
This is one of the reasons Redirect won't save your creatures. Will Mizzium Skin save them? It prevents them from being targeted, I'm not sure of the interaction when cast on the stack. (Using the overload of course)
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