Sacrifice Redux

by leelamarre on 28 October 2011

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (20 cards)

Sorceries (1)

Enchantments (3)

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Deck Description

RECENT EDIT: Thanks DedWards and surewhynot!

G'day Vaulters,

This is my 5th or 6th rewrite of this deck. Still trying to get it to flow more smoothly. And I just noticed yesterday, while stalking Surewhynot's decks, that mine is going to look quite a bit like his. But I swear, I never intended to mimic it- I'd thought I had a pretty different thing going.

This deck utilizes a primary four-card combo: Bloodthrone Vampire, Blade of the Bloodchief, Reassembling Skeleton or Bloodghast, and Grave Pact.

The basics:
- Lifegain from Deathgreeter to balance out life lost early and life lost due to Phyrexian Arena.
- Dark Ritual primarily to get those Grave Pacts out early.
- Pawn of Ulamog to multiply sacc-able creatures when either Bloodghast or Reassembling Skeleton are sacrificed (will also aid in gaining more life and dealing more direct life-loss when saccing the little dudes).
- Demonic Tutor to ensure that you have at least the four primary cards for the combo (Bloodthrone Vampire and Reassembling Skeleton).
- Phyrexian Arena to increase draw in order to thin out the deck quicker.
- Grave Pact should ensure that your opponent is lacking in any kind of physical creature-based defense when any of your little Eldrazi bros, Skeletons, or Bloodghasts are sacrificed.
- Marsh Flats for deck thinning - all credit to surewhynot on that one; it's not a technique that I've really used but I trust that it works.

The basic concept is to pump up Bloodthrone Vampire (with Blade of the Bloodchief equipped) while simultaneously forcing your opponent to sacrifice their defenses.

Edit: Sideboard is now a sideboard.

So please help if you can. :]

Deck Tags

  • Combo

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This deck has been viewed 3,863 times.

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Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Not Legal in Modern
  • Not Legal in Vintage
  • Not Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for Sacrifice Redux

I like your 4 card combo and would love to see it in action :p

Posted 28 October 2011 at 09:59


Thanks, man. It's pretty nasty; usually I can get about 4-5 sacrifices per turn with Reassembling Skeleton and Bloodghast alone (just recently added Pawn of Ulamog and waiting to see how it plays), which is a permanent +2/+2 per sac with a temporary +2/+2 per sac for Bloodthrone Vampire, with only one Blade of the Bloodchief equipped. It gets pretty wrong with multiple blades.

Do you have any suggestions? You seem like you know MTG much better than I.

Posted 28 October 2011 at 11:51


Thanks man, makes me feel special to have others think I know what I'm doing in Magic :p

Ok, Falkenrath Noble (IMO) costs too much.
Geth's Verdict is (IMO) better than Tribute to Hunger, it's cheaper (mana wise).
You need a secondary creature that says "sacrifice a creature: ...", maybe Carrion Feeder (it gets +1/+1 counters for sacrificing creatures) or Viscera Seer (nice for controlling the top of your library and digging for the rest of your combo).

Also Mortician Beetle would be awesome in a deck like this.

Posted 28 October 2011 at 12:10


I looked through your decklist- very impressive. So, you back it up.

1. I completely agree with that. I initially had Sangromancer in there (when I used to have Liliana in here as well as some Distresses), but I was thinking about switching Falkenrath out for Deathgreeter (since he's insanely good for 1 mana IMO).
2. Do you think that the life-gain from Tribute is worth it for recovering from early hits? If not, I'll definitely sub it for Geth's.
3. And yeah, you're right about this one. I just ordered some Viscera Seers after thinking about throwing in Phyrexian Arena - perfect combo IMO; thanks for that one!
4. I actually did have 4 Mortician Beetles in an early version of this deck, but I noticed a little problem- they kind of just sat there most of the game. For some reason, I couldn't stop drawing them early and their little 1/1 asses kept being kicked. I can go ahead and try it again- but the basic concept that seems to work with this deck is- you should only need one creature because your opponent is almost guaranteed to not have any if it's working as it should. Grave Pact has done such nasty things against even stompy, elf, or zoo decks.

Thanks for the advice, man; I agree with all of it completely! :D

Posted 28 October 2011 at 12:24


Tell me what you think about the revisions? Again, I really appreciate all of the assistance. :]

Posted 28 October 2011 at 12:29


Looking good. Typhoid Rats is a nice 1 drop that deters the opponent's attacks, thus keeping your life total up :) , but this also depends on your opponent. I'd attack even if it just means getting rid of the rat :p Other than that, only playtesting will tell what is needed to improve.

Posted 28 October 2011 at 13:26


Now for Sideboard you mite need grave hate for reanimator and Dredge. Tormod's Crypt works nicely for this. You're playing mono black, so Iona mite be a problem (if for some reason you can't force her to be sacrificed) so Act of Aggression to steal her for one turn (her ability only affects opponents) or Phyrexian Metamorph to make a copy and kill her (she is legendary). Then Dash Hopes could be a nice counter spell, I'm not sure how it'll work as I havn't tested the set I just got. Also Damnation mite be nice if the opponent can produce quicker than you can force the sacrifice.

Posted 28 October 2011 at 13:56


I might have to invest in some of those rats.

I threw in Go For the Throat in place of Geth's, just in case I really need to knock something out- that sound alright?

I'll definitely throw those in the sideboard, as well as a few of the things I've kicked out over the past few revisions.

And as far as Iona goes, I was afraid of that, myself. I had a buddy that played strictly white and had a few Ionas in his deck- and as of yet they haven't been a problem since sacrifice is essentially a passive ability (and even with Leyline of Sanctity, Grave Pact doesn't target directly) so the saccing is almost impossible to prevent (in my experience, at least). So I'll see what happens during the playtesting and start to weigh out Metamorph or Act of Aggression.

I've been wanting to grab a Damnation- but it's so damned expensive. :[

Do you think Dash Hopes would be a good replacement for Go For the Throat?

Posted 28 October 2011 at 14:23


And what's your stance on "deck thinning" cards like Marsh Flats or Verdant Catacombs? Since I can't afford those (they're the only cards in this deck that I don't physically have), would Terramorphic Expanse be just as useful, even though the land comes into play tapped?

Posted 28 October 2011 at 14:36


Dash Hopes looks good on paper, but previous experience with "looks good on paper" is that they often aren't good in practice (*cough* Talara's Battalion *cough*). I have yet to test the Dash Hopes I have, so let me get back to you on that.

Posted 28 October 2011 at 14:44


I feel ya there. Lemme know how it fares.

What about replacing Go For the Throat with Gatekeeper of Malakir? It's essentially a double-sac for 3 mana. Since you can cast, and sac the 2/2 if necessary. Or an early blocker. It would give me so much room for activities!

Posted 28 October 2011 at 14:48


Will do.

Gate Keeper's not bad. Try not modify too much just yet, playtest a bit first to see what works and what you're lacking.

As for 'deck thinning', I feel with your search and draw you shouldn't need it. It's more for decks that need to increase their luck in 'luck of the draw'.

Posted 28 October 2011 at 14:53


I'm gonna go ahead and kick out Marsh Flats- Can't afford that stuff.

And yeah, I'll give it a good few playthroughs. Even when this deck was more scattered than it is now, it was still VERY challenging to beat. The only real defense was a good, fast burn deck. Burn is a bit scary if it's played right.

I really appreciate all of your help. Kinda' pulled this combo from scratch when I'd bought a Rise of the Eldrazi intro deck, and it contained Bloodthrone Vampire and Reassembling Skeleton. Just figured that's too good of a combo to ignore. It feels much more fluid now. :]

Please let me know if you ever need any help or critique- I might not be the best, but I did start playing during the original Urza/Phyrexia sets. I do have some experience, it's just really on-and-off. :D

Posted 28 October 2011 at 14:57


No problem, glad I could be of assistance :D

Feel free to comment on any of my decks. Stick to the more recent ones, it's easier than going through the lot. I consider any advice and critique as useful, even if I don't use or respond to the advice and critique :p

Posted 28 October 2011 at 15:42


Looks good. I personally don't like the Skelly...he's a bit too slow for my taste, even though he is more consistent in some regards than Bloodghast =/

If I were you I would rock out with Dark Confidant instead of the Arena if you can get your hands on them. They're much better for an aggro design. Swiftfoot Boots I'm unsure about...but I'll just have to get back to you with that.

I personally don't know if you need the Tutors...but that's entirely opinion.

Mortician Beetle is pretty damn great in my experience, so I'd give them another try. Another awesome 1-drop other than Typhoid Rats is Tormented Soul. Holy balls can that guy make a difference.

Hope that helps =]

Posted 29 October 2011 at 21:51


Thanks for the advice! I definitely understand your opinion about Reassembling Skeleton, and I'll definitely swap out Dark Confidant for Phyrexian Arena when I can afford it (making that my next goal).

I was using Diabolic Tutor for a while because I just couldn't get parts of that combo out, sometimes (especially deadly when I can't seem to pull a Grave Pact to save my life), so it's just a little insurance. I'll let ya know if it works out.

And I can definitely see Typhoid Rats like DedWards was saying- I'm definitely gonna try that for some early-game deterrance. I might try throwing in Mortician Beetle again, just had bad experiences with those little guys before.

Thank you again, SWN. :]

Posted 31 October 2011 at 18:18
