Coat of Arms is suicide.
I looked through your decks, and they're all really avant garde. You're extremely creative with your combos- I wish I could see the purpose in cards like you do. Just sayin, good work.
Your mana curve is whack. Less is more when it comes to the big creatures. :O
Good concept, but it seems like you're trying to do too much with one deck. I'd slim it down- but that's just me. Looks decent, though. :]
I guess we just have a different style.
I'd be careful with deck thinning considering the newer mill cards with black and blue. I've been killed by my buddy's mill deck (using an 80-card deck) more than I care to recall.
Hahah, wonder where this came from?
Yeah, I see what you're saying. I'll go with 4 Birds of Paradise since I got 'em, and at least they're meat shields for flying too. And wow, I completely overlooked that land. That's absolutely perfect. Thanks for the advice, man. One thing about the Drumhunters, that I realized by playing Garruk's Packleader is that it increases play speed greatly to draw cards at the end of each turn- so it's very helpful. But I'll put them in the sidebar and reconfigure if I have to. Get rid of the Contagion Clasps, you think so? Proliferate's pretty useful with Doubling Season.
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