I honestly was just looking at the deck before reading your comment and yeah, Primal beyond is coming out, I think I started out with plans to make it two colours but realized there's no real point. I'll switch it up a bit, I may have to tweak it to help the curve fix out, but either way, thanks for the advice, Incandescent Soulstoke is definitely a gem I missed.
Alrighty I added a few of them and moved some stuff around, thanks!
Good call, I'm just a fan of damage XD, won't need it regardless
I'll just parts around for more scrying tools
I'm so upset, I totally missed that part
Thanks man I shall place that at least in the sideboard, but I feel it has a good spot in the deck, I'll feel it up man, thanks :)
Haha thanks! Glad you enjoy!
Oh and I'll be switching Wild Guess, for Faithless Looting, thanks again!
Thanks haha, I honestly was looking for a two drop and wasn't putting too much thought into it. Thanks for the suggestions! I'll sub in Abbot for the pseudo-draw and more budget side of things!
Thank you, I will make some adjustments, that card is really good, I hadn't heard of it and I will actually be putting that in another deck I as well now! I was running Shadow Rift which is close but not quite!
Thanks, I was missing some small little drops, I'll adjust this soon
Haha my budget is usually cheap, but in the long run it's good to have help with this stuff so thanks :). I'll maybe make a cheap list and an expensive one haha.
Thanks, it's seeming like a fun one and I can't wait to giver a go!
Put in the Chainer's Edict, seems neat and not bad, almost put in Geth's Verdict but the dual black cost made me turn away a little, it takes a lot for me to put Chainer's in there as I'm a huge fan of the newer borders and whatnot haha.I didn't realize I had 4 Tibalt's in there and I myself realize that is too much, especially considering the Legendary rule.Reduced the Tibalt's and Fume Spitters to make some room. Added 2 Chainer's and a Dread Return, I like that one a lot man. Thanks, I'm gonna take a few sample hands and see how she goes!
Thanks, I'm more of an amateur player and just looking for ways to make fun little decks I'll eventually make, anything you would recommend for the deck?