Name: LdrJagMan/Jag (Semi Active)Formats: Peasant(5uc), Vintage, Casual Shenanigans Expertise: I make decks synergize and break mechanics. Sometimes themed, most of the time I ask myself "how can I break this card.... " Then I get decks like that. I normally don't do deck searches but if there is something you want me to look at, let me know.
Doubling season, Heck yes. Fable of wolf and owl goes away.
Lemme dig into those and see what I come out with, stay tuned.
It was running cloud of faeries, Sadly in the format this is for (Pesent) Its banned. Snap bounces it back for me though.
Well thank you, and Ill take a look at those!
Dreamborn muse.
I'm hoping people give me some ideas for this mess. and yes, I know I need to swap the kabuto moth out.