Looking for some great ideas. Having some trouble deciding what should go in the side board
Is curse of the swine a thing or am I just fishing?
i say put domri in over ral zarek he is a lack luster planeswalker. also i know most people say the bow is shit but with kioras follow you can untap it and do its ablities twice. just something to look into. the deck is cool. there was an intense RUG deck at scg los angeles very combo oriented you might want to check it out. http://sales.starcitygames.com//deckdatabase/displaydeck.php?DeckID=65216
Because this is an idea deck, i would find it helpful if anyone view had a suggestion. :)
thanks for the tip. if you would like me to look at any of your decks post the link here. :)
just happened to come to mind. really wanted to make a deck with the prophet in it. added the kioras follower
is it possible to miss polukannos? he must be pretty big to eat worlds.
very strong control. i like :)
good point. its a sound idea.
same... i think G/U will be real strong when RTR cycles out
i added it for a planswalker killer instead of just putting pithing needle in my deck. just seeing how it works out.
i agree completely with you. this is an older idea of mine and have strayed away from it.would of changed it a week ago if i knew it was in here.
cool deck the only issue i can see is your never really going to get the devotion to blue you need for thassa. so unless your playing her for just the scry she is not that important.
tidebinder great sideboard for r/g matchup. if you want take a look at any of my g/u decks they could be of help to you.
gosh that guy is no help at all. probably plays u/r and is just mad bc there is no scry land yet lol
they have flash but not haste so no they cannot tap as soon as they come out. i think thats what your asking.
notice this combo one day when making my own b/g deck. its very strong but at a very high mana rate. you could think about running a simic charm in order to protect your creatures for a turn.
just had an idea you could take a look at golgari charm it will protect you from field wipes.
yeah skylasher is a great card and didnt even think about how well that goes with swan. thanks. bug is pretty neat you can run the big dd in there and its not hard to get the mana. also you have other couters to stuff i dont like planeswalkers with heros downfall and lifebane zombie vs white and green. take a look at ultimate price as well. or pack rats black is just so strong
If anyone has some good ideas let me know!
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