
10 Decks, 40 Comments, 1 Reputation

Normally, i would be like, meh, llanowars aren't staples, but why do you have 4 birds of paradise in a mono green deck. You might as well take them out for the elves.

Posted 16 July 2011 at 04:06 in reply to #181425 on Garruk Green


fyi, mox opal is a legendary, so you shouldn't really run 4.

Posted 17 October 2010 at 21:51 as a comment on Free 'facts


Don't really get why there's a master transmuter there since the only thing that's worth using the ability for is the Myr battlesphere.

Posted 11 October 2010 at 11:34 as a comment on Infinite Myr


Lol, this is obviously a deck for fun.

Posted 11 October 2010 at 11:30 in reply to #92003 on I am a God you can't kill me!!!!


You have 2 of each Green Weaver Druid and Joraga Treespeaker. I would take out the 2 weavers and put in 4 Joraga Treespeakers instead. Treespeakers are like Green Weaver in a sense that you put out 3 mana for a suply of 2 mana each turn except Treespeaker is a 1/2 at lvl 1, and you don't have to pay the full 3 mana in 1 go.
Also, if you're fond of Beast Hunt, you should check Genesis Wave, basically the same thing except you can controll how much you draw and instead of going to your hand, it goes to the field.
For Prey's Vengence, it's a decent buff, but I would check out Primal Bellow since this is mono green.

Posted 10 October 2010 at 08:43 as a comment on new age elf


I like the fact that this deck uses more proliferate than straight up infect. The invisimancers are also an interesting aspect for a poison deck.

Posted 09 October 2010 at 17:32 as a comment on Infect deck


*plays a Stigma Lasher *

Posted 09 October 2010 at 00:40 as a comment on I am a God you can't kill me!!!!


Lol! Super weenie xD
Anyway Righteousness , Harm's Way are pretty good 1 mana spells.
I would switch out some Arksquires for some Kitesail Apprentice(also 1 white mana)

Posted 21 June 2010 at 10:17 as a comment on Type 2:: 1 mana: white


Oracle of Mul Daya is also a pretty good elf from the Z-block, you should consider using it for fast mana

Posted 21 June 2010 at 10:06 as a comment on Z-block elves


Don't forget Eye of Ugin :P
Also, since you're running a lot of artifacts, Metal Worker can almost dish out the mana needed to summon an Eldrazi.
I would also sub in one of those Spawnsire of Ulmogs in just for another way of winning. You Cloudpost and Vestuva combo work pretty well to generate mana, and again, the metal worker can generate some mana too.

Posted 21 June 2010 at 09:47 as a comment on Eldrazi tournament quality??


What do you mean it can't work, I know tokens don't go to the graveyard. Basically, you use use one of the sacrifice cards to take one of your opponent's creatures, then sac your the creature you just gained from from it that betrays and repeat. The tokens are just an extra for Spawnsire, mana, defending, or sacrificing for Anawon(if you have nothing else to sac)/Mortician beatles

Posted 20 June 2010 at 11:48 in reply to #70683 on Eldrazi Sacrifice


If this is a heal deck, you should try adding some Felidar Sovereigns in it. They're still pretty cheap, but pretty much an essential on healing decks.
Since your also using a lot of allies, look into Talus Paladin(Ally that gives lifelink and grows), and Kabira Evangel(ally that gives protection

Posted 20 June 2010 at 11:30 as a comment on Lifegain Defense


Just pointing out that you have 8 Tundras in here xD
But otherwise, nice :P

Posted 20 June 2010 at 11:17 as a comment on defender


So...your just running these cards because they're blue and have white border?
Personally, it just looks like some threw together a bunch a random blue cards. It's not really even a cheap deck for what it's worth. If some1 through together a bunch of cheap Merfolk, and blue spells that would probably run better. You're already running 4 Lord Atlantis will already cost 16$, and your not even running a full Merfolk, which would probably cost 20$ if someone felt like making

Posted 16 November 2009 at 21:04 as a comment on All White border Blue


Niiiiice. I just looked at a deck similar to this, but this deck just owns it. The whole deck only has about 1-2 copies of each card, which in a sense is kinda bad. I would swap out some of the higher costing counters for more Spell Syphons and maybe some Cryptic Commands. The Govern of the Guildless is a bit too high costing to use, so that for crypt command would be a good trade.

Posted 15 November 2009 at 10:09 as a comment on MINE!!!!!!


Well, since your running like 20 vampires, why not through in some Feast of Blood?

Posted 08 November 2009 at 20:26 as a comment on Black Weenie


I actually think it's kinda random.
1. If your trying to make a mil deck, then I would try to throw in some Blue. I mean Archive Traps, Hendron Crabs, Lich Lord Unx(if you wanna keep it with the Zombie thing), there's plenty. It will also provide some counters.
2.You have no defenses against creatures, so I'm sure it'll be crushed due to the fact that Zendikar is an extremely aggressive set.
3.Why the Cemetary Reaper?
4. If you want to focus on discarding, Jace would be more suited for this deck.

Posted 04 November 2009 at 23:31 as a comment on type 2 Mono Black


Yeah..but if you wanted a cheaper version of this deck, just switch out the Azusa for Oracle Mul Daya, and the brids for maybe some Llanwar Elves...or something. Both work pretty much the same.
There's also this green card, Upwelling, that allows you to keep the mana in your mana pool at the end of the turn without side effects. This way, you don't have to worry about dishing everything out all in one turn. With that, you can save up mana, and wipe the guy out whenever you have enough mana...oh, and with that combo, you can also take out some Fetchlands and maybe 2 Lotus Cobras...just cuz they're too expensive.

Anyways...with those substitutes, I'm sure you can get this deck for under 150$

But if you want the edge, buy this one, and I would still recommend Upwelling for it.

Posted 11 October 2009 at 14:49 as a comment on Extended R/G Landfall Burn


Wow! Really nice.
Here's something you should consider:
Might of Oaks(cheap +7/7 buff):|
Silence(great for stalling):|

When then new Zendikar set releases thie October Scute Mobs = PEEERFEECT for this lol:

Posted 25 September 2009 at 18:23 as a comment on Naya mistwalker deck


Well this deck has two pretty big flaws.
1. You put 7 swamps in there for what? In the whole entire deck the only thing that uses swamp is Blightning.
2. You have a very small amount of creatures that cost too much anyways. Except for the Hissing Iguana, but yeah, I don't get why you have those either.

Posted 08 June 2009 at 00:08 as a comment on Burnt with a little Jund (v2)


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