Awesome concept! I didn't know about it before. I believe you want gravepact more than Butcher of Malikir because it costs so much less, but then again you don't have any non basic land so the three black might be hard for you. In general for a mana curve like this I'd suggest 24 lands overall.
Need... Blightsteel.... HUUUURrrrrkkk.....
Go for creature based combo awesomeness with Experiment Kraj. Also you absolutely have to have a Treasure Mage that searches up a Mindslaver or Akroma's Memorial. Also mystic snake. Hell, just look at mine and you'll see what I mean.
Okay, so I don't know what you're going for here with momir vig as your commander. You have so many non-creature spells that you'll never be able to fish back out of your deck like you could creatures.
You can use shape anew if you can't sacrifice an artifact right?
Gutshot. :D
Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre doesn't work here at all.... Why would you want to shuffle your graveyard into your library?
Hey I like your deck concept a lot! With all that mana available on you opponents turn from unwinding clock and voltaic key, Flash Myr would be really powerful! Kk thanks, bai!
Thanks! I didn't know that about the 1 Sol ring in a deck.