Moved Distress to the sideboard and added the last Ghoulraiser to the sideboard. This makes me pretty resilient to counters post-board. Dissipate still sucks, though.
Cut Culling Dais in favor of more creatures (Pain Seer for now, though considering Baleful Eidolon in that slot). Added Garruk to the sideboard for slower matchups and added Bile Blight to the sideboard for tokens/Pack Rats. Added Ranger's Guile. Exile effects suck a little less now. Added Urborg to the lands lineup and increased the forest ratio to be able to support green better.
Good calls on the Fireball and Pike! Glad I could help.
My first take:Curve is super-low, though so are the lands. I would add in a multipurpose land or 4 and get the count up to 21-22. Desolate Lighthouse seems perfect. Mutavault, Faerie Conclave, and Ghitu Encampment give you extra dudes in a pinch. They also interact very will with Hour of Need (below) when you are mana flooded. Since your curve is low and you want both colors early, I would try to add in Steam Vents and Temple of Epiphany (if you have them) and/or their ilk. Shivan Reef and Mana Confluence might work, but you are probably paying the life every time you tap them. At the very least, I would add in some Terramorphic Expanses or Evolving Wilds. They fix your mana and filter your library.You have a glut of both draw and spot removal and could use another finisher or two. I would look to replace the Telling Times and Hands of Bindings. Hour of Need is super-powerful in upgrading your (effectively) mana dorks in the late game.Flashback and filtering spells that put cards in your graveyard work really well with the Chimeras. On the flashback side, I'm looking at cards like Deep Analysis, Shattered Perception, Think Twice, and Faithless Looting as upgrades for Telling Time and Peer Through Thoughts. Something like Forbidden Alchemy is exactly what this deck wants, even without the mana to Flashback. You might also consider a Mystic Retrieval or two to get back your good stuff. Casting and Flashbacking a Reckless Charge on a Chimera is probably gg.
Manabarbs, Stone Rain, and Aggressive Mining seem fun in a concept like this. To break the symmetry, you probably want nonland mana producers. Myr, Keyrunes, and Cluestones are cheap ways to do this once you have 2-3 lands in play. Memnite is a "free" spell that doesn't require tapping lands to cast. Charms and Staffs offset the life costs for tapping your lands. It looks like you are hoping to be base-blue. Welkin Tern and Vaporkin are great aggressive low-drops. Frostburn Weird plays both offense and defense, as appropriate. Painful Quandary further punishes spellcasting. Cheap, efficient infect creatures (Inkmoth Nexus, Blighted Agent, Blight Mamba, Flensermite, Glistener Elf, Ichorclaw Myr ) halve the number attacks to kill your enemy and double the effectiveness of pump spells (Giant Growth, Rancor). There are many directions you could go with this initial concept. Do you want to be aggressive? Controlling? Disruption-focused?
This looks a lot like a GW lifegain deck I put together last week. I went the aggressive route with Kalonian Tusker (helps devotion, too) and a Brindle Boar / Voracious Wurm combo backed up by Time to Feed. I could also see going more controlling with cards like Arbor Colossus, Colossus of Akros, or a hydra if you have one or two (you have the acceleration package to get them out early). I've never tried Bioshift, but have heard it's "unplayable". I can see where it would provide resiliency against spot removal in this deck, though. I also considered the Predator's Rapport, but cut it pretty early for some more aggressive creatures and the Time to Feeds. If you are looking for further cuts, I am not sure the Denizens are pulling the weight needed to justify gumming up the 4-spot. However you slice it, I think this will be a crazy-fun casual deck for you. I love the ~$10 price tag!
I hadn't. Seems it would trade easily for the Cathar's Crusades and make the deck significantly more aggressive on the top end. Switch made! makes me want to add a couple Seraph Sanctuaries for no good reason, too. Thanks for the suggestion!
Adaptive Automaton is a nice touch! As is Descendent's Path. Mutavault would be a fun land. No love for the new batch of slivers? Would add redundancy (e.g., Predatory Sliver is mostly the same as Muscle Sliver). I really gotta figure out how to abuse Karona one of these days. She has to be bonkers in the right deck!
Cool! Let me know how it works. I would be very interested to hear drafting input, as this is something that is difficult for me to test.
Thanks jwall64! My card pool is pretty limited, yet, so there were a couple places where I patched up perceived needs with multiples of the same card. And then there's Squadron Hawk. I bought some bulk cards and happened to get ~100 of 'em. Figured I gotta use them some way and they're pretty lackluster as singles! I am actually considering upping the count to 6, as we play sealed deck and not draft and I rarely get more than 2 in any given pool.
Once again, a beautiful suggestion. Thanks!
Alright, I implemented most of the suggested changes. I hesitated to increase the number of red permanents, though, since I am aiming to maximize the value of Vampire Nocturnus. The deck already feels much better, but I think I am a bit unbalanced in my creature-removal ratio. I think I need a few more creatures to really hit my target. Will continue to work on that. Again, thanks Muktol. Any further recommendations would be much appreciated.
Thanks Muktol. Great suggestions, all. I will have to dig into my collection and individual card costs to see what I have/can get easily. The intent is for this to be nearly a Sligh deck (no real one-drops, though). In practice it has been very clunky (as I am sure you can tell). At the time I originally built this, it was standard-legal, Murder was in and Doom Blade was out. Now that it's out, it seems an obvious switch.
So, the synergy is that we are creating lots of 4/4 white angel creature tokens. I am currently assuming we stay WU and focusing on the white side. Some options:Populate - Growing Ranks; Rootborn Defenses; Sundering Growth; Trostani's Judgment; Wake the ReflectionsToken enhancement - Glorious Charge; Griffin Protector; Honor of the Pure; Intangible Virtue; Favorable WindsLikes lots of creatures - Crusader of Odric; Odric, Master Tactician; Cathar's Crusade; Goldnight CommanderMiracles - Banishing StrokeSynergistic angels - Sublime Archangel; Angel of Flight Alabaster; Angel of Jubilation; Angelic SkirmisherMy favorites: Rootborn Defenses, Goldnight Commander (always +1/+1 to everyone with Geist; +X/+X with a miracled Entreat), Intangible Virtue, Odric, and Angel of Flight AlabasterYou also appear to have a major enchantment theme. Have you considered Auramancer? How important is that theme to the deck?
What are your thoughts on Molten Birth? Mugging may also help the aggressive plan. Warleader's Helix is expensive, but fits your life-gain theme.
Seems I could maybe add in some Distress and discard effects to counter the counterspells. Thoughts on cuts to support that and card recommendations?
Lightning Greaves seems very compelling here. My first instinct is to cut the Darksteel Relics for them, but I think this leaves me more vulnerable to seep effects. Vines also seems awesome, but I fear I would have to cut part of the removal suite to support it. Suggestions on cuts? Finally, rather than direct tutor effects (which are a little more expensive), I have added a Gravecrawler + Culling Dais / Visera Seer card filtering/drawing engine. Thoughts?
Added sacrifice outlets to help combat exile and toughness-reducing effects. Still weak to Syncopate and Dissipate. Not sure how to combat that other than to provide too many targets and keep up the pressure until they run out.
Agreed. I don't know that there is a build that could be considered competitive in today's meta. The Naturalizes are there for o-ring, but I hadn't considered the others. The deck is definitely weak to hard counters. Maybe some graveyard action to make it more robust? There should be some fun Golgari stuff I could add in to make it more resilient.
Great suggestions! I will definitely be adding a tutor effect. I actually considered Darksteel Ingot, but cut it because my curve is so low. I will re-evaluate.
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