Sorrow's Path Apocalypse Chime
Too bad its not legal in any format
I think i understand you want to play longer games by forcing your opponent to your pace and controllling the game using monoblack. You want want to look into some of the monoblack pox and braids/stax decks on you really want to start out with a nice set of disruption and removal since black doesnt run counters and you need tto do it starting turn 1 in legacy. Vampire nighthawk, hypnotic specter, dark confidant, go for the throat/smother, inquisition of kozilek/thoughtseize/duress, hymn to tourach, dark ritual, sinkhole... I like to use tombstalker, oonas prowler or phyrexian obliterator as my clock. Matches versus other control decks generally last to time, combo decks fizzle then give up and you will probably have trouble with heavy aggro or burn decks just like most other control decks do. If you check out some off the winning listings on youlll see a lot of the same staple black cards used over and over, you can pretty much build a deck of nothing but those staples and end up placing really well in large tournaments. Good luck with your deck, ilike the concept i just think its going to need some tuning to compete in legacy tournaments.