no suggestion's, just wanna let you know i LOVE the idea! =D
excellent point! i was tunnel focus on land destruction alone (which could be a big problem for me...) lol XD
ooo! i was worried about win conditions in this deck, but this is an excelent idea! Thank you so much for the feedback! =D
This is a great idea! but i was trying to stay away from having to "combo" in order to kill the lands. im not a fan of combo-ing anything because its hard to pull off, and easy to stop. =/
Wow! Awesome! Thank you so much! =D and yea, I completely see your point on the overrun, I more just did it for the trample. =P I actually hope to make this deck soon if people can help me fine tune everything to make it more viable. First try at deck making.. i thought i would get alot worse comments. lol, THANK YOU SO MUCH! =D