Cut highborn ghoul, diregraf ghoul, bloodseeker, mikaeus, possibly reaper, and replace them with zulaport cutthroat, nantuko husk, crypt ghast and if any room left over throw in ghoulcaller's chant and Just sacrifice gravecrawler a bunch of times and stack the losing life with blood artist and zulaport cutthroat so they take like 3 to 4 life each time gravecrawler is killed which adds up pretty quickly once going, because I run a similar deck although I didn't know about killing wave which is a something I'm going to think about running
yes but the only downhill to it is that if they use a deck that uses trample like primordial hydra in it they can easily do some damage before you can over run them and gain enough health. and if you look at my deck called Garruk's forces that deck just might be fast enough to beat this one maybe
okay thanks i'll look at some cards