i bet we all wished we had 4 tolarian academys... im gonna guess you dont either. interesting deck idea though.
Holy shit this would be a pain in the ass to play against. (compliment btw)
Bear Umbra?
Thanks for the feedback. Yes i was having that problem before, and while this means that Wee Dragonauts will be taking a back seat most of the time it does greatly increase the chances of getting what i need.
i feel arcbound overseer is a bit too costly to make too much of an impact that late and the pipers are not really worth it to splash green, proliferate is just... easier.
i like the simplicity of this. just an idea but if you want to splash blue, maybe even just those new dual color lands, distortion strike will be a game ender.
i see thanks
Thanks for the suggestion but how is the ravager prototype dross scorpion infinite? isn't only as infinite as the amount of mana you have? Thanks for the input.
This is cool but i tried a ninja deck, and i found they were WAY too weak.
Any suggestions?
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