Simian Spirit guide, Infernal plunge and Chancellor of the Tangle can put out a Kiln Fiend turn one, but I'm not sure the statistics of swinging for lethal on turn 2.
This deck looks good, I've toyed with the idea of a knight deck for modern and it's really strong, but you should definitely play knight exemplar, it lets all of your other creatures dodge those pesky removal spells. Here's my knight decklist if you want to check it out for a few ideas.
Wait, What.
If the only thing your going to cascade into is hypergenesis then you only need 1 in the deck, I say play more "free" type spells like force or more big creatures
This deck looks good, I also play a mono black deck, I see you play my general in your deck as well:
I love how grand architect and pili-pala make infinite colored mana
I run a mono black edh deck myself, seizan, perverter of truth, I would suggest a few changes, ill post my list so you can compare and contrast
the sample hands werent liking me at all :|
i like singleton