
5 Decks, 3 Comments, 0 Reputation

Solid control spells for counters but it seems like you'd be short on being able to resist creatures if they did build up a field. To highlight the effect of say parasitic strix maybe throw in a mimic vat or two so you can imprint it just to bring back and pound every turn for 2 lost life, 2 gained life, 2 flying damage?

Posted 06 July 2012 at 18:43 as a comment on Cool Casual black and blue


Yeah the original build of this deck did use a lot more equipment, and then focused on Flayed Nim throwing in which my friends did NOT like because they'd never seen an ability like that before and suddenly he was dealing 8 direct damage by blocking.

The misery charms are strictly for the 2 damage on a 1 drop snap but with recent sets I could at least upgrade to Bump in the night. I have several decks I'm revising right now, I guess this should be one of them.

Posted 06 July 2012 at 18:36 in reply to #270972 on Hungry Dead


Yeah the fact that I already have 7 "leader" merfolk that boost all my dudes makes them scary enough, them coming out with more and mr. fill the sky with drakes is ridonks..

Posted 06 July 2012 at 03:22 in reply to #270848 on Seasurge Merfolk
