titan valakut ramp

by kyllo24 on 29 September 2010

Main Deck (60 cards)

Sideboard (15 cards)

Sorceries (3)

Instants (7)

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Deck Description

This is a deck that has found its way into type 2 and should be able to compete with any deck at any tournament.

Deck Tags

  • Tournament

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 723 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for titan valakut ramp

Having only 8 bombs is pretty risky, especially with only 1 Trap.

-2 Overgrown Battlements
+2 Avenger of Zendikar

Avenger is still a savior in many situations, provides a lot of chump blocking and is still a very possibly win condition for when Valakuts are being taken care of. Battlements are a dead draw late-game.

-1 Inferno Titan
+1 Wurmcoil Engine

Inferno is good, but not as a 4 of.

-4 Burst Lightning
+4 Lightning Bolt

Bolt is better 90% of the time, and the 1 extra damage, either to head or creature, is often needed.

-2 Khalni Heart Expedition
+2 Summoning Trap

Khalni Heart is weak against aggro, and your deck seems to be a version focused on hating aggro.

-2 Raging Ravine
+2 Terramorphic Expanse

Never was a fan of Ravine, I guess it's a preference call, but I'd rather have the more flexible fetchlands for searching Mountains/adding to Landfall.

-4 Obstinate Baloth
+4 Pyroclasm

Pyroclasm is the nuts, doesn't kill anything of yours (other than Avenger Plants the first turn they are out). Much better against Aggro than Baloth, especially with no Jund out there.

-2 Trap (those belong in the mainboard) -1 All is Dust (2 is really all you need I'd argue)
+3 something to help against your weak/most common matchup.

Against Ramp/Mirror I'd suggest Tunnel Ignus
Against Aggro, I'd suggest 2 Chain Reaction, 1 Burst Lightning..or 2 Reactions, 1 Wurmcoil
Against Control, I'd suggest 2 Gaea's Revenge and 1 Artisan of Kozilek

Obviously these are all my opinions, so you don't have to listen to any of my recommendations, but figure I'd give me input.

Posted 04 October 2010 at 10:33


if you were to cast reverberate with summoning trap would you be able to look at the top 14 cards of your deck?

Posted 04 October 2010 at 14:55


bendriver has deleted this comment.

Posted 04 October 2010 at 15:00


or instead of putting in 2 Avenger of Zendikars you could substitute it maybe like Dragonmaster Outcast because its cheaper on initial mana cost and u get a 5/5 flyer to chump blocker/attacker

Posted 05 October 2010 at 01:27
