Just used it in a local tournament and got 2nd place. Wasn't exactly as shown here. I couldn't get 4 terminates so I replaced it with a hideous end. I was also short an earthquake so i tossed a pyroclasm instead. Played out really well. Mill deck was really close match up, but this one won. Naya deck got dominated. and the winner of the tournament beat me with a BW vampire-something aggro deck. We didn't play with sideboards, so I didnt get the chance to thrown in some pyroclasms or volcanic fallouts against the aggro deck. He had no non-basic except terramorphic expanse so losing the goblins for board wipes and maybe a sphinx would have won it.
Thanks for the suggestions What I got from playing with it a bit more: ----------- I love the earthquake suggestion. Great advice Deathmark to sideboard, great call. Negate, I like it, but it seems to be very situational. Chandra.... To be honest, I didn't even attempt to work her into the deck because I'd like to keep the deck running as cheap as possible, mainly because I'm going to actually build it for local tournament play. I don't really like mind rot as a card. It just doesn't seem to fit into this deck very well. With the massive land destruction theme, it is almost a given that your opponent will have cards in hand that won't be necessary, so just fodder for this card. I LOVE the Sphinx of Jwar Isle idea. Shroud makes it immune to nearly all removal. 5/5 body makes it immune to all but wrath-style board clears, a potent attack and a splendid blocker. ------------- I like the earthquake idea to the point I wanted more cards with that function. +4 Pyroclasm for the weenie decks that will be appearing, such as vampire beatdowns. +2 Volcanic fallouts for the blue decks that will slip in a few creatures then counter my pyroclasms/earthquakes These two additons also help to take out those pesky flying creatures. Again, I really thank you for your input. It was incredibly useful.
First off, its like the description says, this deck is intended for the alara-zendikar standard. It is intended to beat jund above all others. Sideboard suggestions for how to fix it for other match ups would be great. Same with something more efficient or useful than what I have listed. I miss a lot of cards so its possible im using a terrible step-in for something better.
Upgrades, suggestions, things that I missed, things I'm doing totally wrong, I'm all ears for suggestions....well figuratively, I am not a being made of ears, nor do I actually listen to the internet. I generally go the reading route....but you know what I mean.
Any ideas on improving are appreciated. I own most the cards in the deck, just not in the quantities needed to play it.