pegasus for human evasion?
There are a lot of better cards:door to nothingnessdragon archgilded lotus
Thanks for the suggestion. For Felhide spiritbinder, I played him in my original version of minotaur (before JOU set), I feel like it's quite slow. And Kragma is almost my win condition every game
This is based on the cards I have. Please help me improve the deck without adding supreme verdict or sphinx :Pthose staples are too expensive.
Thank you!I already had both revoke existence and disenchant. I was too worried about artifact hates :PI took it out anyways.Now updated the lands. what do you think? I decided to put in 50-50 plains/snow-covered plains, in case some people have the same logic :P
My first time building EDH. Please suggest better cards. Thank you!
lol. I was thinking as she is my insurance when something goes wrong :PI took her out now. looks okay now? :D
Ahh... Thanks I forgot about Rift. I added Dispel to main deck and Gainsay to the sideboard. Not sure if it makes the deck more or less balanced tho
I tried this kind of deck before. Even added Guttersnipe to make every instant/sorcery deal 2 dmg to opponents + draw mechanic + Thassa + burn spells. It didn't work that well.I can point out some problems:1) too slow2) no draw mechanic (even you think you have scry, it's still now draw. 2 divinations are still not enough // oracle's is too expensive to cast early)3) too few lands 4) too few creatures and they are quite vulnerable [any of them get 1 lightning strike = dead]here is my deck list (after modification) that my first version was1) 4 flamespeaker2) 22 lands3) no divination4) 2 dissolve5) 4 aqueous form (this is the real's too slow, even it costs only U) the win rate (in friendly matches tho) increased from about 40% to 70%[tested with 2 kinds of decks: rakdos/discard deck, and white aggro knight indestructible]I'm new in Magic too. I try to make myself better as well. If I miss something, please point me out too. appreciate every comment :)I hope this helps you improve your deck.Here is my new deck. Please check it out and comment :)
want to keep it standard. note: I build around from the cards I have so far. Any suggestions are welcome.Still wonder how to get away from board wipe. Threats that I can think of now are... 1) flying (solved from the sideboard) 2) graveyard (solved from the sideboard) 3) mirror deck -- hexproof (solved from the sideboard) 4) board wipe (??? no idea how to encounter this)do you think I have other threats? plan to use in local tournament (similar to FNM basically, but my local store runs it on Sundays)
Same idea as my deck. Add Hellrider and they will be doomed. No need spear imo. It costs too much and you have 3 of them!Change to something like chained to the rocks and path of bravery, or intangible virtueGoldnight commander is also a good investment for late game. I also put mass removal like wrath of god in case something unexpected happens.I like the idea of Norin tho. I don't have that card not sure if it's worth to hunt for it to complete my deck.
only 37% that opening hand has none of the leyline. I modified to put both versions white/green leylines even though one of whites and one of the greens are useless here but at least we can still cast them. Other leylines are absolutely useless after game starts. If we go more lands and less leyline, it's not practical. I just wanna play high risk high return game :P
I'm not gonna play this deck. First of all, I don't have any Leyline, second I dont have serra's sanctum. hahahaI was having fun making a joke deck around :)
thank you :D
check out my minotaur...almost the same lolI add felhide to double the effect of resonator + fenatic of mogis + purphoros + 4 mana = 4 + 2x dmg each turn, where x = your devotion in red. Or you can save resonator for double effects of kragma, depending on which one has more dmg.minotuar deck: fun deck:
Also, check out my new 1-turn-kill deck :DI'm having fun with this
and check out my new 1-turn-kill deck :D
if anyone finds this deck would have a lot of fun, please leave me a comment lol I would love to see what you guys think :)
How about now? :)
instead of Runed Halo, why don't you use Leyline Sanctity? you don't have to be targeted at all. Or you just wanna keep your theme--naming a card? :Padd Mimeofacture, so you can search your opponent's library to see what their treats are, and you can name them ahead before it's even in their hands.Also add Angelic Arbiter to make them more angry :DYou have silent Arbiter, why don't you add those with exalted to buff up your solo army?
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