you really need fetches and twincast is really good for any mill deck especailly ones with mind funerals terminate is better than unsummon otherwise this deck is pretty nice and looks really consistant ***************************And thats your deck by kumarmcdouble******************************
WHY ARENT YOU USIN BOLTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i like the idea of t2 grixis control NOW since that was my deck from old standard and i liked to experiment with the three colors since they they seem to be what i like to play the most but you can figure it out with the way your playin it i really like mimic vat especailly with your clone idea you could kill legends but thats not the only thing you could clone titans and hopefully you get to clone precursor golems its also pretty cool with the reprinted voltaic key ************************and thats your deck by kumarmcdouble**************************
im thinkin the long run here so maybe your right but i like the alternate win with average damage but if you r right i might want to just lose blue 4 green
WHY ARENT YOU USING LOTUS COBRA!!!!!!! voltaic key would be good to get the galvinizer to untap and give you a lot of mana myr resivoir is pretty good with all this myr business but I don't really know how it plays but im thinking it plays like crap jk so that's why i can't give you a lot of information on it **********************************And that's your deck by kumarmcdouble********************************
honor of the pure?
i think you could use the crappy equipment rare from m10 so you can re-use the undestructable-ish thingy but i guess you can do what ever because i don't have much idea how this deck plays ***************************And that's your deck by kumarmcdouble*****************************************
and definately terminate instead of yoke of the damned
you should use grixis grimblade, sedraxis specter, goblin guide, vampire lacerator, vampire nighthawk, and maybe kederekt kreeper shambling remains is actually a pretty good card and fits in here like a mofo but i like the idea of grixis aggro ******************************* And that's your deck by kumarmcdouble*****************************
why aren't you using urborg tomb and hymn to tourach dark ritual would get cards out faster since you don't have that much color commitment you could use mutavault but that would mess up your corrupts demonic tutor is way better than diabolic although it is banned but i like this deck it does wht you want it to do it looks like it would beet zoo *********************And that's your deck by kumarmcdouble*********************************
you meen discard death i like this deck alot and i even think you could win a lot of games with it lillianas specter is pretty good two for one diabolic tutor is cool for grabing burning inquiry for a bunch of damage ******************And that's your deck by kumarmcdouble***********************
i don't know what you are trying to do with this deck at all could you tell me? *****************kumarmcdouble?***************
i do not think you should use paranha marsh in this deck simply because you don't get enough out of it but the cross roads are definately worth it to play with especailly if you have a sanguine bond you should definatly use marsh flats for fixing sorry but that's all i can say about that because i do not know much about this deck so *************************And that's your deck by kumarmcdouble**********************
**********************And that's your deck by kumarmcdouble*****************
and did you notice that you only have 59 cards
i think this deck is the shit to bad you can't use mystical tutor but you can use careful study to get hand fixing and to drop creatures in your graveyard but i can't really help you with this deck because i haven't seen this deck in action and i haven't used this deck very often ****************************And that's your deck by kumarmcdouble**************************
this deck is pretty awsome using illusions of granduer and the phage combo is awsome im suprised no one has told you that this deck is awsome 10/10 *******************And that's your deck by kumarmcdouble*************************
i like this deck and i like what it does but i think you should use flesh bag marauder instead of bone splinters because bone splinter sucks since you are running green you could use ooze garden and that's really good with sarkhan ********************And that's you deck by kumarmcdouble********************
cruel ultimatum would rock in this deck especailly because it makes them discard three cards i know you are not updated but you should look at m11 and zendikar block and lorwyn and shadowmoor rotated out ****************And that's your deck by kumarmcdouble*******************
ARID MESA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this deck is cool i really like it but i don't like the contaminated ground and convincing mirage you should run wall of omens, and esper charm although it seems to be really good tide hollow sculler is the shit!!! *********************And that's your deck by kumarmcdouble************************
1-20 of 59 items