wtf does that have to do with english?
clancy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! english sucks
hey, hey, hey, hey, guess what? i have english!
om nom nom, you loose at lunch
CLANCY!!!!!!!! rah random comment with no meaning to add likes, mainly cause me bored What a way to waste a period of english
i was thinking about putting in a couple of sheoldreds incase things go bad or just for fun. should i put them in?
i hadn't heard of those cards before, so i had a look and i thought stalking assassin was too expensive compared to a royal assassin and frost breath. 3-4 mana for frost breath and you tap two creature and they both dont untap next untap step if you don't kill both of them, i didn't like scarblade elite much, not for this deck anyway
thanks for your input
glissa is just too good for her mana cost. 3 mana for 3/3 first strike death touch is good, nice deck
i understand where you're coming from odaru, that makes sense
find anything better?? i haven't found much better than it. 1 white mana for a 2/1 aint bad. let me know if you find anything
can't believe i didn't think of that!!! thanks man
it is pretty good. i would take out the battlefield forge and replace it with clifftop retreat or something similar because chances are you would have the plains or mountain out when you play and you dont lose life when tapping it for coloured mana. apart from that i can't think of anything that needs to be changed. good work
yea it does thanks...i think it would be an alright idea but friends at school always never run a deck with infect, only do it when the deck is completely infect...i will think about it
oh yea, i didn't think of that...i thought that if the game went slow and i was dealt crappy he would buy me time to use his last ability.....thanks
cool should i put ina stonehorn dignitry or towo as well, to use with venser???
i like it, i made a pure burn deck for fun...didn't think about it at all just put 24 mountains, and 36 random burn cards together, i wouldn't mind having a full, nothing but burn deck to play my friends at school
didn't think of those
thanks, i will do that
depends on the current situation, but prob the stalker most of the time
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