have you thought of blessings of nature or revenge of the hunted? both really helpful miracle cards
i would get another diregraf captain and a few more rooftop storms. also you might try gravecrawler and some more endless ranks of the dead, i would also replace butcher ghoul with skinrender and if you like you could add army of the damned :)
come at me edward.
you dont need to be a dick about it he's new cut him some slack.
i get that your going for an over run but you should add in mikaeus the unhallowed, and death baron. grimgrin and mikaeus are a very good combo.
a good combo is trip noose with royal assassins.
i see no rooftop storm or arcane melee.....hmm...
replace zombie infestation with moan of the unhallowed or reap the seagraf
you seem to have alot of high costing zombies. you should add rooftop storm, it lets you pay 0 mana for your creature
41-50 of 50 items