Legacy also has better access to some crazy manage that makes that a more viable option.
This is a totally different strategy from the legacy deck, this is a control deck.
Too slow. Luminarch nets me more, faster.
You are all over the place with this, figure out what you want to do. And metallic sliver, really? Also, you have a lot of land that produce colorless mana in what appears to be a pretty color heavy deck.
Thanks! I really appreciate the constructive feedback.
The Sage is less for combos, more for getting rid of extra scepters or sculptors, and howling mines after I have the combo set up.
What do you think of the deck now?
The win condition is to take unlimited turns through the use of Magistrate Scepter and Energy Chamber, the creatures are just defense in the setup time, or alternate win condition. Muddle the Mixture is used to counter a shatter or naturalize if needed, or to search for Steel Overseer, Energy Chamber, Core tapper, or Etherium Sculptor. Sculpting steel is to ensure I can get more energy chambers out on the field at a time.
any ways you know that i could make it better?