Ehy nice, i have make similar deck long time ago, Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx is good and if you want a powerfull creature, Primalcrux is a must
clear.. and Test of Faith? Prevent 3 damage, put 3 counters and combo with Heroic =).. Nice deck.. me too i have a Soldier deck ;). Sorry for my english but is'nt my mother tongue
thank you.. Because Kolonian Tusker don't have Trample.. and for Garruk' s Packleader is so good but i don't know what remove.. =)
maybe Champion of the Parish and Preeminent Captain? look my deck if you would..
Thank you.. me too =)
yes i know, but this deck is'nt a regular goblin deck, this play with token.. thank you anyware =)
I have found this "Noxious Revival" now is better , is synergistic with the deck.
Thank you, I have not tested it yet, but I already have something in mind to improve it, I have to see how it behaves in various battles .. thanks for the advice =)
nice, look my soldier deck =)
Nice but has little control, watch my soldier deck and tell me what do you think
Very nice ;) look this
What do you think?
What do you think?