Again you are trying to hard to do too much, Figure out what your goal is - Combo, Control, Aggro, Midrange and do it. Your deck will be slaughtered by any consistent deck.
No Lightning Bolt?
No better card then Jace TMS
This deck will not work against any deck with consistency.
? I think you have no clue what you are talking about."If a Commander would be put into a graveyard or exile from anywhere, its owner may choose to move it to the command zone instead. DetailsThis is a replacement effect; the creature never goes to the graveyard and will not trigger such abilities.Commanders will move to the library or hand as normal; only transitions to Exile or the Graveyard may be replaced."--You may choose to have him go to the command zone..... meaning if you want him to go to the graveyard you can.....
Not true, placing the Commander in the Zone is a replacement effect, so you can choose to put him in the graveyard or the command zone. If put in the grave yard it would trigger his ability.
Thanks i try.
If you have any suggestions on what to take out and put in let me know please! i have lots of Trade bait and can get any card i desire mostly.
It really hasnt because once i get control of the field i rarely lose it because of the way the deck works, im going to figure out some changes here soon and start modifying it. I like my carnfex demon combos that i can utilize but pointed out earlier it is a very slow card and is most of the time destroyed before i can use it to its fullest. Plus 12 cards with CMC of 6 is very high. so im going to be dropping it down to 8 and adding in more early game control and maybe some more vats for MW, GT, WCE. ill be happy once i beat Vamp control/aggro. I beat caw and Koldatha red last tourny with a mana ramp version of this deck.
The carnifex demon is a good card against infect and a combo w/ itself or Black sun. but i have been thinking of taking it out. I have beaten caw and Rebirth with the previous version of this deck. i went 3-1 in the last tourny, but lost against vamp control 1-2 ( even tho 1 Massacre wurm would have won the last game for me). Im probably going to take out Liliana and Carnifex demons and put in 2 ractet bombs and 1 doom blade.
only Creatures or artifacts that have been turned into a creature on the first turn have summoning sickness
wtf on the grand architects what are they for exactly?
Kk i dont have 1 yet but im still looking.
Please comment...
But im guessing you dont like the deck, huh?
lol yea, but this deck runs beautifully because of the architects and chalices. i dont build decks for tournaments half the time. i do have tournament decks.
Please guys comments/suggestions welcome, and please check out my other decks. i will be adding more decks soon seeing how i have around 20 decks.
I agree and disagree i have been working on this deck for a long time now. Noted that this probably wont win a tourny but in multi player and two-headed it is beast in every way. i could change the deck to include more creature destruction and i do have them side boarded, but it wont really work. \ I get 6 mana by turn 3 or 4 most of the time and when i dont, i have zeniths, bombs and myrs to defend with, not to mention life gain. the only types that really hurt me are discard and infect in the beginning. after that i rock the field.
Thanks I will look into that. This is my favorite deck, so im always looking for ways to improve it. i have my sideboard but i havent put them in yet. You should also look at my standard Black deck.