evil nasty

by KrBill on 13 May 2013

Main Deck (66 cards)

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Deck Description

deck started as a pre-construct and got tweaked til what you see now it is a fairly consistent deck but does have speed problems sometimes.

Deck Tags

  • White
  • Flying
  • Life Gain
  • Value

Deck at a Glance

Social Stats


This deck has been viewed 601 times.

Mana Curve

Mana Symbol Occurrence


Card Legality

  • Not Legal in Standard
  • Legal in Modern
  • Legal in Vintage
  • Legal in Legacy

Deck discussion for evil nasty

please comment on any of my decks any input is great.

Posted 15 May 2013 at 09:46


I think you have 2 much high costing stuff in the deck. You should think about getting some smaller things and putting in some mana ramp. some ideas would be, "Endless Horizon" which pairs beautifully with "Emeria, the Sky Ruin"

Something to try to stall for time would be "Kami of False Hope". "Goldenglow Moth" and "Pride Guardian".

With all the life gain you have going on you might think about putting in "Ajani's Pridemate"

Your choice of angel I personally dislike, sorry. Some most likely better options would be
Angel of Flight Alabaster (which works beautifully with "Kami of False Hope", and "Windborn Muse"

Some others "Serra Avenger", "Seraph of the Sword", "Sublime Archangel", "Angel of Jubilation", "Archangel of Thune", "Baneslayer Angel", and "Pristine Angel". These are just some options of many others.

"Archon of Justice" is the best archon out there. (you get the most out of what you pay for mana wise).
With all the Lifegain in the deck, "Felidar Sovereign" is a solid idea.
For some more blockers, "Wall of Omens". 0/4, 2 Mana drop, draw card.
Blockers and lifegain. "Wall of Reverence" 1/6, 4 mana drop, gain life equal to the highest power of creatures you control.
You need some control in the deck. "Oblivion Ring", "Journey to nowhere", "Path to Exile", and things like that. A "Pacifism" even
Another couple cards to look into would be "Day of Judgement", and "Wrath of God".

"Healer of the Pride" isn't such a good card. it's a bit 2 much mana for what it has to offer. Also "Pilgrim's Eye", same thing.
You have to many of almost each enchantment. And all of your enchantments cost a really large amount of Mana. You should only have a max of 1 for each of those enchantments unless you decide to run 2 or 3 of one and cut the others. "Noble Purpose" is probably the least useful among enchantments you control. you probably should get rid of them.
"Akroma's Memorial", A game winning card for sure. if you don't have other ways of winner (Example: "Felidar Sovereign"), then you might think of adding 1.
You most likely wont draw a card if you only have one in your deck. Specially if you don't have any land thinners or draw card spells in the deck. You need more "Ajani Goldmane" in the deck. I would say 2, Maybe even 3.

At the end of everything after it's all said and done, you just need to make your deck less mana costly.
Hope this helps! Good Luck!

Posted 20 August 2013 at 10:44


thank you for input I am having fun tweaking this deck a little at a time I just shut down my wifes black red deck she could do nothing to me and nothing to my creatures it was funny to see the look on her face

Posted 21 August 2013 at 13:57


glad to hear it! it's good that you enjoy your deck. other wise what would be the point of having it! =P

Posted 22 August 2013 at 03:51


just played a game again and got my life total to 1,924

Posted 23 August 2013 at 11:32


Wow! that's super impressive! Nice job!

Posted 24 August 2013 at 18:04
