
209 Decks, 94 Comments, 20 Reputation

I think that Modern is a slow format. I think that it's slower that Legacy and Vintage. I think that this deck will win on turn 8 or 9.

Posted 03 March 2024 at 17:26 as a comment on Token Damage - 2024


Suggestions welcome. Be kind it's my first try...

Posted 08 November 2023 at 21:45 as a comment on My 1st Vintage Deck - 2023


All great suggestions, thanx. I put Ephemerate x2.

Posted 02 December 2020 at 17:19 in reply to #638252 on Azorius Blink Deck in Modern


Since I have not played this deck before - do not hesitate to suggest other cards and lines of play...

Posted 29 November 2020 at 19:01 as a comment on Azorius Blink Deck in Modern


Not a bad card in this deck. Although, the deck is trying to discard cards from your opponents hand and not trying to draw cards. I mean, gaining card advantage is real - but, bouncing cards is better - for your creatures to discard, while also applying damage.

Posted 28 November 2020 at 15:38 in reply to #638216 on Dimir Bounce & Discard #1


I must admit, you must feel like being a dick to the guy! So, no cry-babies please. **Use this deck at your own risk**

Posted 27 November 2020 at 19:13 as a comment on Betrayl & Sacrifice - 2020


I would try this deck out in tournament play. It's too bad you need some many lands in order to play this deck correctly. :-)

Posted 25 November 2020 at 02:44 as a comment on My Main Deck


I would like to tell you again - That I am not the Troll. I did get the best three cards in the deck off another player.
1. Bloodchief Ascension x4
2. Mindcrank x4
3. Staggershock x4
The deck was...
So, I would like to say thankyou to s0rinmark0v for those 3 cards. But in all honesty the rest is an original build.
Please, take your time figuring this out. I'm sure the whole MTGVault community applauds your efforts in this trying time.
I'm just a little daunted because this is one of my favorite decks that I have ever made.

Posted 23 November 2020 at 02:59 in reply to #637952 on Blast & Torment the Bloodchief


I am not the troll, but I have copied a few decks without giving these decks makers their just rewards. I think that in a little while I will go back and flesh out my decks with more words to describe them and show people how they work. I use this site as a way of looking at decks that I would build in the future for tournament play and for fun at home. Please excuse me as a I slowly work my way around the community. I am in no way purposefully trying to hurt anyone or cause any problems.

Posted 22 November 2020 at 02:53 in reply to #637952 on Blast & Torment the Bloodchief


I am still getting used to Magic decks without creatures. But, I gave you a like for this one. Maybe it's because I never really got into playing counter spells. That is not to say that I have not played against counter spells. I have eaten my share of counter magic.

Posted 19 November 2020 at 15:24 as a comment on Legacy Tournament Control


Another bad match-up... Howling Mine helps a little in this case.

Posted 19 November 2020 at 03:42 in reply to #637961 on Modern Vortex Burn


Wow, a vintage deck. I have not seen very many of these. It's interesting to note that there are no creatures in it. I guess you plan on counter-spelling ALL of them. HeeHee, I would suck in Vintage tournament play. Creatures are my main way of winning matches.

Posted 19 November 2020 at 03:39 as a comment on Vintage Choke Control


I would consider putting some walls in this deck. Or at least putting some walls in the sideboard. I wouldn't want you to run into some bad match-ups with this deck. Considering aggressive decks and what they could do to your direct damage.

Posted 19 November 2020 at 03:35 as a comment on Modern Vortex Burn


I am still a beginner when it comes down to counter-spells. So, I like this deck... because I will learn control decks last. Right now I am focusing on aggro decks. Cheap 1 or 2 drops mostly... maybe some legacy cards as well. I feel like a little boy in a candy shop right now, looking at all of the cool cards and deck types.

Posted 11 November 2020 at 19:22 as a comment on Casual UW Control (Beginner)


I like this goblin build. It's low casting cost and explosive! +1

Posted 11 November 2020 at 03:20 as a comment on Modern Goblin Rush


I have just 2 ideas for a legacy deck. So, I will take a look at most of your legacy builds for ideas and new card choices. I have heard of the stasis deck and I like this one. Although, it looks like it's going to take a long time to win. Or am I wrong?

Posted 09 November 2020 at 17:38 as a comment on Legacy Stasis Prison


I have noticed that in a lot of your decks, that you do not use planeswalkers. Personally I really love planeswalkers and use them every chance I get. In most decks the planeswalkers are the most powerfull cards and can cause your opponent a real headache. Is there a reason why you don't use many of them?

Posted 09 November 2020 at 17:32 as a comment on Modern Rakdos N2O


I can't tell you enough how much I suck with 1 drops and 2 drops. I like to make my own decks to play with in tournaments at the comic book store. It's part of my attraction to Magic the Gathering - I love deck building. I really gave this deck a face lift, so take a look at it now. My favorite color is black (it sounds like yours is too). So, if you have any decks for me to look at then I would do that for sure! Thank-you for all of your suggestions with my embarrassing deck building. I think that winning is now around the corner. :-)

Posted 09 November 2020 at 03:43 in reply to #617604 on A Modern Format Dimir Deck


Take out the 3 "Thriving..." lands and your deck is Modern. Which makes it so much better to tournament players.

Posted 06 November 2020 at 16:02 as a comment on Jund Attacking


I really needed to see other token cards of a different color then blacks. I don't use much red, but I like Assemble the Legion and Goblin Assault. Two cards that go well together in this deck. Using Intangible Virtue is a nice touch, although I would consider removing Entreat the Angels as it doesn't complement the deck well enough. It is tough playing token decks in the modern format, as you never know what cards people will sideboard.

Posted 05 November 2020 at 08:13 as a comment on Leonidas's Army of 300


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