Thanks, A great idea! Didn't know about the card efore this, but now i gotta order a couple for me irl for a deck of mine! :)
Say what you will, but combine captain of the watch wiith knight captain of eos, and the latter counts as a lord because of the ability :P
Created for fun around Doran, The Siegetower. Any suggestions and ideas in how to better build a deck around him, are more than appreciated.
Suggestions would be much appriciated, especially more ways of gaining Zombie token creatures into play, and maybe a coat of arms kind of a thing but with only zombies?
Comment's and suggestions appriciated :)
Im not sure if anyone talked about this deck's maybe the greates weakness, the relentless rats -.-' I mean, what about counterbore/traumtatize+haunting echoes etc spells and combos, which would just slaughter and exile all cards with the same name? You'd end up in no creatures att all if that would happen...