Thassa=tried it, not so great. Dont get me wrong she's good but without the devotion just not enough. I'd rather have Taigam's scheming, dig through time and divination.
I added a bit of both, with a little divination. It works just great.
Lol I milled out a Rabblemaster aggro red deck !!! Very satisfaying.
It's fast Jeskai and BDev are still least it was 1-2 / 1-2 !!!
I don't know what to downgrade for it though...dig for one, then maybe the divinations ?
I know right ?! Let's sideboard a few....
Very good ! The STD scene was lacking combos. Here's my version if you guys want to take a look:
Krenko's at 2RR might be slowing you down a little bit. I'd put only 2 and put some faster gobbos instead.
Well that sounds about it. What do you guys think ? Suggestions ? So far this deck did pretty good, I won about 75% of my games but haven't faced the meta powerhouses yet.
I think Purphoros is a great finisher in that deck. This is red aggro at its best. Rock on.
Is is still all about Purphoros ?!
Nice, toolboxy ! Not enough walls imo, and not sure about Sigarda.
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