The cards in the sideboards are ones I have considered putting in. I'm struggling with including the ideas I want (giving out stuffy dolls then star of extinctioning or getting wittled down below 20 and giving someone a transcendence to eliminate them. Basically zedruuing things) and centergies. Also the land base is a struggle for a 5C deck. I'm very much a budget player who's collection comes mostly from Limited play so I'm trying to avoid more expensive options. Most definitely a non-competitive deck.
There is way too much green mana in this deck for so few green cards. You should totally strip the green and either stay mono white or maybe add more black if you want to extort more.
Just an FYI, Isochron scepter only works on instants so the demonic tutor wouldn't work with it.I've made a draw deck as well and I like some of what you have here, but mine is R/U (for shooting). I find Enter the Infinite to be fun with the Psychosis Crawler. When I saw U/B though, I was thinking mill. I'm surprised you don't really have any mills in here other than the Jaces and the Glimpse. Perhaps a Jace's Erasure might hurry things along? I'd also be worried about drawing out. gaston205 had some good ideas about that. Also, you don't have any other sac outlets for the Thopter/Vela combo besides the Time Sieve, don't know if that's so much of a plan rather than a bonus.