Yes it's just for higher damage.
Wrong colors =/
Tarkotus ois täs vissii tehä posion counttereita Vent Sentinelin ja Grafted Exoskeletonin avulla vai? Näyttää ihan hyvältä mut kyl mun mono green infect tän vie ;D;D
Nut you could remove two and add Vampire's Bite? And remove Myrs too and add for example Throne of Geth
ok meinasin nimittäi ehkä joku kerta tulla pelaa tollasen FNM Standardin ihan vaa huviksee ku en oo koskaa pelannu ni mitäs sanot täst pakast luuletko et vois pärjätä? ,D
Four Skithiryxs? He's legendary you need only one or two. and it costs like 13$...
What would i but besides of them then?
Nii ja muute katoin ton hinnan TCG:stä ja se näyttää et sen vois saa $40.28, mut ilman noit Misty Rainforestei tän saa niinku vaa 6,49$ halvimmillaa :DD
Ok :D ooks muute pärjänny täl poromagias vai ooks ees pelannu siel turnaust täl? ;D
Np just maked me laught but it is very good deck and so cheap too =) Checked it in TCG and it says that it can cost only $7,24 =))
WTF 14 Assault Srobes? Is that a mistake xD
It's for defence 'cause you don't might get always good starting hand and Fog is good then to slow the game.
you could but 4 vector asps besides of them?
I don't get it xD
I now but i didn't get anything else =( And mana fetches are soooo exxxpeensivee =(( i wouldn't be in budget and i'm poor so i don't have money =( Thanks for advice =)
And costs only 18€ with Evolving Wilds besides of Misty Rainforest ;)
Very very nice =) But you could but Adventuring Gear besides of Livewire Lash 'cause deck has mana fetch and Landfall works here well =)
You should have more infect creatures =) But otherways good =)
Like the idea =) maybe you could add Keening Stonen for more milling but nice deck =))
Now thre is Darkest Hour to complete the combo =)
1-20 of 45 items