This is the Merfolk deck I've recently built, and while it's a very fun deck to use.. I feel it could be better while still retaining it's "fun" qualities. So please comment and tell me what you think, and how to make it better.
This deck is not meant to be in standard, and is just for fun casual play.
Here's a little explaination on a few things this deck can do, if allowed.
This deck is designed for larger group games, it starts out very slow. This is intentional. This keeps me under the radar, and out of the minds of everyone are all ftrying to drop for field presence. Its very hard to get a bad openning hand, as all hands will run slow.
If you can, on turn 3 I'll try to drop one or two Stonybrook Bannerets. 2 is of course ideal. Turn 4 is when you drop Marrow Reejerey if you have it, if not I will drop whatever merfolk Lord is in my hand, or perhaps Seahunter. The goal at this point is to drop as many Marrow Reejereys as fast as possible, which is usually all 4 of them within the next 2 turns, and whatever Merfolk I can in the downtime, keep in mind that Reejerey can tap and untap permanents. By the time all 4 Reejereys are on the board, it is likely that I have at least 3 other Lords (either Atlantis or Sovereign) and maybe either a Cold-Eyed Selkie or a Wakethrasher.
If it is Wake Thrasher I will tap down as many permanents as I can. Lands, activate tap abilities, maybe attack for minor damage on a few people. The following turn is when I use Seahunter to drop Deepchannel Mentor, from there I swing with an extremely beefy Wake Thrasher among other buffed fatties. This will usually end a couple people right there.
This can be further coupled with Cold-Eyed Selkie, which will also be swinging for decent chunks of damage, allowing for massive amounts of draw power, which when combined with those earlier Reejereys, allows me to mass summon all the merfolk I draw on the same turn in the second main phase. At that point I just systematically destroy all opposing forces like they're nothing (all my things are unblockable remember).
Another fun trick I can pull with Reejerey is when I use it along side Seahunter, Sovereign, and Wanderwine Prophets. Sovereign taps to make the Prophets unblockable, and Seahunter continuously summons Merfolk for me to sacrifice for the Prophets. Its very simple, and do get this capability quite often. I just don't always take advatage of it, for the sake of a fun game for everyone.
So there you have it, the not-so-secret secrets of this deck! It is very simple, based on simplistic tapping and untapping combos to both give me some major advantages. Albiet its far from a perfect deck, the main weakness being its weakness to any kind of removal, although around here the most casual of games rely very little on removal. Sometimes dropping the occasional Wrath of God, but its not too hard for it to bounce back if the boardwipe is early enough.
That said, this is the most fun deck I own! Everything about it just makes me smile, including its glaring weakness. It continues to catch people off gaurd and wins a lot of casual group games.