Isn't it just beautiful? In honor of it's release (and sharp slash to it's price) I have decided to make my own Boggle Enchant deck. Nothing too fancy, pretty standard....but played in modern. Only adaptation is 2 nature's claims mainboard seem to actually be really good! So here it is! Advice is more than welcome :)
Went to Starcity Open in Charlotte and went 6 wins, 3 losses, 1 win away from day two. Not bad. Seems to have a strong match vs abzan surprisingly. Can race twin.
Placed 2nd at Local Wednesday gamenight.
Weak to tron, affinity, and infect.
Play Bogle or Gladecover.
Play ALL the enchantments!
All joking aside, you're looking for a starting hand of 1-2 lands, one MUST be green and the other must be white, preferably dual lands, one hexproof onedrop, and an enchantment or two. The godhand would be Dual land, one or two hexproof guys, etheral armor and rancor for 5 damage on turn 2, lethal on turn 3-5 depending on landdrops and enchantments. This deck CAN run off of one land, but 3 is the sweet spot.
Surprisingly, Kor Spiritdancer is EXTREMELY powerful. I expected her to instantly eat any hate (bolt, path, all black kill spells) their hand has, which in game one she does. I usually see her shine in game 2 and 3, where they side board out a LOT of their hate. She tends to stay safer. She's a big risk, but left unchecked for just a couple turns and she generates enough draw to run away with the game, as well as being a massive beatstick.
The deck's only real weakness is black, specifically discard and sacrifice. The discard we can't do a lot about except pray we get to go first, usually this deck doesn't keep a large hand, as it dumps it by turn 3. Sacrifice is nasty as well, but we CAN get around it by fetching a Dryad you sweet tree. ;( As well, any other decks that can race us, such as infect and affinity, prove challenging, though not unwinnable. Tron is a very obnoxious match for this deck because they hit turn 4 ugin, and if they aren't already dead, we just lose. Gotta kill them before that OR have pithing needle or some other sideboard tech. As well, SPELLSKITE IS THE BANE OF THIS DECK...there's a reason there are now 2 paths and 2 nature's claims. The only defense for it, is spellskite CANNOT steal daybreak coronet, as it's an invalid target unless already enchanted. Furthermore, if it lands, the only option this deck has is to draw into an anwser with Kor Spiritdancer, and even then it's usually too much of a loss in tempo.
Aside that, this deck is pretty solid, with surprisingly good consistency. It tends catches people off guard, and is very high pressure. It often forces people to have their combo deck's perfect hand, control's perfect answer, or they simply Sometimes even then it isn't enough. ;) As mentioned before, it's able to run off of one land if it's a dual land. That pressure along of being able to keep a hand as long as it's got a land and a hexproof, a luxury other decks don't have, is awesome! It's not very hard to pilot, but the decision making is make or break, more so for this deck than others!