Yeah...but I WANT Mistbinder :> Misty wouldn't be a bad choice though! Ty for the advice
Well they love you , Boo! <3
It's not a rip off :) Multiple people can like the same idea! I was just running it in standard, and when it rotated, wanted to see if they could make it in modern :P
I noticed that myself, but the thought of a 4/4 unblock lifelink able giest of saint traft or a 4/5 unblockable lifelink Spell queller looks really tasty. For sure, as stated before, I'd love vials if I can get them~
Cursecatcher for sure if what I was comparing Mausoleum Wonder to, and thats what made me think the deck could work! As stated before, I'd love the Vials but right now the price point is turning me away. Kira I'd agree but it's also just such a cool spirit it's hard to resist. Favorable winds wouldn't be a bad idea! For sure I want to tweak the support package of counters and removal spells. For sure I like Kataki better than storn, but stony is just so brutal. Thank you for the awesome input :D
The main reason is cost, I'm looking at something I can realistically build, and I wont be able to afford a play-set of vials for some time lol Tallowisp wouldn't be bad, but the steel of the godhead is just a win more card, not super core to the deck I think, I would need that 2 slot for rattle chains more importantly.
For sure, to the point I actually put them mainboard! I'll have to playtest them but so far they fit pretty well! Was an awesome idea!
Yeah for sure! Budget is somewhat of a concern however, and well in the 'spirit' of going a full spirit deck, she just isn't ;p and as far as counterspells go I feel negate hits like 99% of the things I want to stop, and the others might not be necessary. further testing will be required!
Black white! Yuh!
Wow that's actually genius! Can't believe I over looked it! I didn't want to run it because once my board is answered, it's very hard for this deck to recover. As well, 5 mana isn't easy to come by, I hit about 4 and that's my average, so Iw as running Baral's Expertise as a hell-mary to clear the board and keep evading their blockers to end the game, but Fumigate may ne a fantastic card! If I can afford the mana. Also concidered Negate to mainboard, but what CANT negate hit? Disallow is fantastic, but at 3 mana, it's more of a problem than you may think to cast, while negate at 2 will hit all vehicles and planes walkers right? Also the elephant in the room is "Where's Avacyn", well, I wanted the best Spirit focused deck I could make, not u/w flash copycat, she's not an Angel spirit, and she's very expensive. Thank all ya'll for the advice though! Will edit as I go. :) <3
Izzet even fair ;p?
3spoopy5me! Looks good, I'd just look for more kill spells if needed like dismember. :)
Well, the idea is just to delay until late game where they can't really block anyway, however, banishing light? That's actually a wonderful idea! Shocked I overlooked it, thank you, I will edit it, and thank you so much!
Actually I really like it XD not sure how well it will work but it looks like it will get out of control really fast!
I would if tinker weren't restricted and my friends wouldn't hate me haha! As well, most of this deck was inspired by About the same really, I wanted the core concept together before I added others. This is the deck I wish to build, to REALLY pump it, do a pseudo-puresteel deck with Mox Opal's and Tempered Steel.
#likethisdeck I honestly cannot say or advise anything to make this deck better. Bravo.
I like immerwolf too, but, problem is with Huntsman of the Fells, you WANT him to transform, and if he is stopping the huntsman from transforming, they clash. The 4 Moon's rise are essential agilest removal, and they are cheep too, so I am fine having that many, it lets your werewolves 'jump' over field wipes like Day and life's final. Beast within however is a very viable option. Thank you n.n I just worry about the deck slots, it's very tight as is heheh, but thank you again!
Myself i prefer the prey upon from it's lower mana cost, and it is a lot more damage
What i like most is the cost X3 a deck is useless if you can't afford it! Great work, i love the idea
Not bad at all. Very much a Siphon deck.
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